The Scary Master Crow, part 5

"What the fuck are you sighing about?! I haven't even crippled your baby maker yet!" Nick mocked and kept on stomping the man's genitals! And due to the unexpectedness of his actions, one of his stomps managed to land right before Shadow One could use his defensive skill.

"Ahhhh!" Shadow One felt an overwhelming pain in his crotch area. That one stomp had landed when he was most vulnerable. And the pain was excruciating!


"What are you screaming about?! Weren't you so calm and collected just a moment ago?! Hehe!" Nick mocked as he kicked Shadow One in the stomach, flinging him hundreds of meters away.

And yet, even after receiving such a terrifying kick to the stomach, Shadow One still seemed like he didn't feel it at all. The man just kept on holding his crotch because that was the only place he had actually received an injury on. But this wasn't surprising, since Shadow One's defensive technique came from Master Crow and was a technique of the Immortal King level!

"It seems you don't feel my attacks just yet! Let me kick you around like this until you feel them then!" Nick looked completely diabolical at this moment. And he was a man of his word because for nearly ten minutes he kept kicking Shadow One, sending the poor man flying for hundreds of meters each time.

But due to Nick's crazed state, he hadn't yet realized that the direction he was kicking shadow One in, was the same direction Master Crow had left in!

Shadow One just couldn't find enough breathing room to fight back. Whenever he tried to use a speed technique to get far away from Nick to recompose himself, Nick would somehow burst with overwhelming speed and appear right beside him! And then the kicking would continue.

'Nick, I have already knocked Shadow Five out, where are you?!' Shadow Two sent Nick a message over the Shadow radio. But he couldn't get a response, so, although extremely hesitant, he still lifted the bound up Shadow Five and headed toward the direction Nick and Shadow One had left in.

Nick was still in the range of communication, but the 'Rage of the Black Tiger' technique had taken over. This was why he didn't bother turning on the Shadow Radio, he was just having too much fun playing football(soccer) with Shadow One serving as the ball.

Shadow Two soon stood in front of a large mountain, staring in shock. First of there was an enormous crater in the ground with a beast buried inside it, the same beast that Nick threatened to pair him up with. And secondly, he could see many human-sized holes on the mountain with one of them going all the way through to the other side.

"How could someone fight with Shadow One to this extent?!" Shadow Two clearly knew how monstrous Shadow One was. Shadow One was known for his ability to knock or kill any opponent out, rendering them immobile in seconds! And this included opponents at the Immortal Core realm as well! But somehow Nick seemed to have survived the battle long enough to escape?!

Of course, as an expert tracker, Shadow Two could tell that from the marks on the ground that someone was on the losing end of this battle. Especially from the multiple mini craters on the other side of the mountain, he could tell that one person had used the other as a jackhammer and smacked them into the ground many times. But he figured Shadow One was the winner in this scenario, and Nick was the jackhammer.

"No, I need to catch up to them and put an end to Nick's misery! If Shadow One ever got far enough to notify Master Crow, it will render all-out leverage, useless. Master Crow will certainly have ways to get back the other Shadows Nick held captive." Shadow Two could confidently say he could talk reason into any of his other brothers, even the one that hated him most, Shadow Three. But Master Crow…


"Elder Frost, don't go all out, you will only exhaust yourself!" Elder Grimm cautioned. Although they were initially enemies, they have now turned allies. And if Elder Frost kept on attacking so violently all the time, he will exhaust himself and their chances of defeating Master Crow will lessen.

"Elder Frost, here! Take this!" Claire was an expert Alchemist so she could see how exhausted the poor Elder's energy levels were getting. So, she opened her pill satchel, and in there, various pills of various different colors were piled together. But as an expert alchemist, she found the one she needed immediately. The pill was white, and it hid among fifty other white pills, but she had singled it out!

This pill was one of the rarest energy replenishing pills in her possession since a five-star Alchemist had made it personally! And she had been lucky enough to get her hands on it at an auction.

"This…" Elder Frost panted heavily as he caught the pill. He didn't know what this pill this would do, but he trusted Claire enough by this point, so he just swallowed it.


Elder Frost suddenly turned to look at Claire in shock before he passed out… The Giant Frost Titan also followed Elder Frost and crashed to the ground and soon began dissipating!

"What did you do, stupid girl?!" Elder Grimm was furious. This bitch had lowered their chances of winning by poisoning Elder Frost?! Didn't the Elder fight to protect her just a moment ago?! How could she be so cruel?!

Claire wanted to cry, this wasn't her fault. Her pills were all stuffed together in her pill satchel, and they all looked the same! And since each pill had different uses, how was she supposed to tell which one did which?! But Claire had done the math.

There were fifty white pills in her pill bag.

Among these fifty white pills, one could help Elder Frost replenish his energy. The other forty-nine weren't so helpful. But among the other forty-nine, there weren't too many harmful ones either. Or to be more exact there were three pills that could harm Elder Frost, one would knock him out, the other would cause extreme starvation, and the last one would turn him into a mute for a year. It all just came down to his luck…

"Damn it, I knew I should have picked the slightly rounder pill…" Claire grumbled to herself. She felt a little embarrassed to have made a mistake at this critical moment.

"Hahahaha! This has to be the most entertaining battle scene I have ever witnessed! A clumsy Alchemist poisoning her fellow ally by mistake?! How so original!" Master Crow laughed so hard that his half blond half grey hair was shaking up and down.

"So, what will you do now? Your most powerful attack force is on the ground." Master Crow straightened up from his humped laughing posture and asked.

"Humph! Do you think Frost had the most powerful attack force?! How insulting!" Elder Grimm knew how cruel Master Crow could be. He knew that his chances of leaving this place alive today, even with Elder Frost's help, were pretty slim. Especially because Crow hadn't even attacked them this whole time and just kept evading. So, Elder Grimm, although a little sad, knew what he had to do!

Fire and Water, taboo form. River of blood!

Suddenly the flood of flames and water turned scarlet red, while at the same time, Elder Grimm's face grew paler and paler as the technique drained his blood as a sacrifice for the taboo skill!

'Master Crow! Please hear me!' Suddenly, Master Crow, who was watching the blood River approach calmly, heard Shadow One over the radio.

'What's the matter?!' Master Crow asked with a frown.

'Master, I can finally reach you! That bastard Nick is here. Please, hurry…ahhh!' Shadow One hadn't even finished sending the message when Nick kicked him further east again. This was how Shadow One was finally able to reach Master Crow. Nick just kicked him closer and closer until he was finally in range…

'What are you screaming for?! I will be back soon, I am in the middle of entertaining myself here! Just capture Nick and wait for me. I will clean up here in a little while and find Shadow Two before returning.' Master Crow had trained the Shadows personally, so he knew how capable they were.

'Master, please hurry! My defensive skill can't hold on much longer! I can't handle Nick, he's gone completely crazy and each one of his attacks seems to hit me in the most compromising areas! Master, he has kicked me in the ass for the fiftieth time, literally! Besides, Shadow Two is here with him, you don't need to stay there, just hurry over!' Shadow One was sweating as he spoke to his Master. It was difficult to maintain enough focus to send a message when you were being clobbered repeatedly every second.

'What?! You can't handle someone at the first rank of the transcendence realm?!' Master Crow grew furious and disappointed. But then, he remembered something Shadow One had said and asked in surprise, ' Shadow Two is there?!'

While this conversation was going on, Elder Grimm's powerful river of blood was emanating a deadly might. But Master Crow only extended his right hand and from it, a large hand made of dark mist rose up and kept the scary river at bay, it looked the same as when a large college student would grab the head of a middle schooler, preventing them from moving any closer. It seemed like the attack wasn't anything much to Master Crow, as he had stopped it easily, just to have a proper conversation with Shadow One.

"How is this possible?!" Elder Grimm's already pale face grew paler! His taboo skill which he had sacrificed most of his blood essence on was actually being held back so easily.

"Sigh, it seems I will have to cut out little battle short. I have things to attend to." Master Crow suddenly moved his hand slightly and made a chopping motion with his hands.


Elder Grimm felt a weird sensation as his head rolled off his body. And the disciples that had started running as soon as the Elder had attacked, also lost their heads.

Claire was tending to Elder Frost by the side and had completely ignored Master Crow this whole time. And she didn't seem fazed by all the death around her either. She and Elder Frost were the only ones that remained breathing.

"I will be taking you two with me. You care for the damn Elder so he will serve me well when questioning you!" Master Crow smirked and made a grasping motion with his hands, lifting Clare and the unconscious Elder Frost up before taking them with him back in the direction of his layer.

Miles away.


"Why won't you just die already?!" Nick grew furious as he lifted Shadow One up, and grabbed his two arms. And then he began pulling as if he was trying to rip him apart!


Shadow One's right arm actually got torn off and thrown to the side!

"Agggh!" Shadow One felt excruciating pain but he still took the time to look at Nick with scorn. This kind of injury was nothing much. Once Master Crow returned healing it wouldn't be much of a problem.

Annoyed Nick got ready to tear Shadow One's other arm off, but before he could…


A dark mist suddenly wrapped around his arms and legs, binding him up, before a portion of the dark mist transformed into a foot that kicked him right in the face.

Nick's jaw was torn clean off before he even touched the ground.

"The insolence! How dare you harm my people without my permission?!" Master Crow looked visibly infuriated.

But, a replacement jaw grew out seconds later and Nick laughed as he stood up and said, "Who are you to tell me what to do and not do?!"