
Claire shoved Nick into the pool in anger. How could someone be so thick-skinned?! And then Claire stormed off into the palace, but not even a few seconds later she came back with another blood-red pill with fire patterns. She just couldn't leave Nick limbless like that.

Bloop! Bloop! Bloop!

But when Claire returned, it startled her to find the pool, bubbling! And a figure in the middle, covered in a blood-red cocoon with flame patterns all over it. The figure was Nick, and the cocoon that covered him resembled the pill he had spat into the pool just a moment ago!

Ding! Congratulations on discovering one of the hidden abilities of the Healing pool, Pill augmentation!

[Pill augmentation- Have you dropped your precious pill into the pool by accident? Well, no need to worry. We, the creators of the Healing pool, have already considered this and many other possibilities! This is why we also added multiple hidden functions that will remain hidden until the owner discovers them on his own! And Pill augmentation is one of those functions. With Pill augmentation, the pill you mistakenly or wastefully dropped into the pool will get absorbed, purified, and enhanced by the pool. And the next time you drop into the pool for a little dip, you will get to experience all the advantages of the pill and more with none of the drawbacks.

Note: The abilities of the pill aren't permanent and its effects will only last eight hours! And only the first five people who enter the pool will get to experience the Pill augmentation effects! The pool will revert back to its previous form as soon as the stated eight hours run out, or after five people have experienced its effects!]

Nick, who was in the warm and cozy cocoon, read the description of the new function he had just discovered and smiled. He knew it! Even the simple act of spitting a pill away could help you discover some powerful ability of you're the protagonist!

But Nick also felt like the descriptions were getting more and more uselessly long every time he read them. He even began to wonder who had so much time in their hands…

At this moment, if one traveled down non-stop from the weird space that belonged to the Old geezer, they would find another weirds space. And in the weirds space, a man sat in front of a stylish table with a typewriter in front of him. But the man wasn't looking at his typewriter at the moment. Instead, he was looking at a screen erected on a makeshift wall by the side. And on that screen, one could see things from Nick's point of view, and you could hear every comment he made and even the thoughts he was having.

This man was exactly the person responsible for writing all the descriptions. And his job was anything but easy! In mere microseconds, he had to compile information from all around the universe and type them down. And he even had to pack a little humor into his work so that the reader doesn't get bored. And the only payment he would receive for all his service would be the excited look on the reader's face once they read his descriptions. Usually, this man would pay attention to the tiny changes on his reader's face. Seeing the System's host raise his lips into a smile after reading his descriptions was his purpose in life!

But, what the heck kind of host did the system choose this time?! The bastard was just too insatiable! He couldn't satisfy him, no matter what he did! If he made it humorous, Nick wouldn't laugh, instead, he would just say something like, 'What a stupid joke! I have had farts way funnier that…' When he made it serious and informative, Nick would say, 'Why so serious all of a sudden?! It was better when you were TRYING to be funny…'

And yet, every time this person heard Nick's criticism, he would convince himself that it was all constructive and try to improve. So, this time he had made sure to give the description a bit of flavor with a pinch of dry humor, a dab of sincerity, and helpful information…but somehow Nick had taken all his hard work and reduced it to nothing with just one comment!

When Nick began asking himself about who had so much time on their hands to write all this…the final string in this poor author's mind broke and he lost it! That subject hit his sore spot!


Kata! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The man lifted the typewriter and threw it on the ground and began stomping away as he raged.

"Who has so much time?! I do, asshole! Do you think I slave day in and day out to write just so trash like you who know nothing about literature can make a snarky comment?! Do you think I would do this if I had any other choice?! Hehe, I just hope that you grow stronger so that we can meet someday…" The man then fixed his cloth, picked up his typewriter, placed it on the table neatly, and sat down calmly as if nothing happened.

Back in the Healing pool.

Nick didn't know that he had just angered someone to the brink of insanity without even meaning to, but if he did, he would have felt proud�� After all, who didn't like angering people and making them want to kill themselves…?

"How long is this process going to take, I need to…pee..." Nick, trapped in the cocoon, wondered to himself, albeit a little shyly. Who in their right mind would think of going to the toilet at a precious time like this?! But the body wants what it wants…

Thirty minutes later.

Claire and the others had already run around the palace and were a little exhausted, to be honest. The Palace was too large, and the rooms were endless, adding the fact that they had just luckily escaped from the terrifying Master Crow with their lives it was all just a little too much. Which was why most of them were now gathered around the pool, staring at the ever-glowing cocoon with the flame patterns.

"Hey, do you think brother Nick will be fine?" Claire asked out to no one in particular. She was just voicing out the question that had been bugging him.

"Of course, you might not know this but this pool is a Pill river! It's where all the failed pills of Nick's Master got dumped, so its healing properties aren't something we can begin to understand!" Loyd tried showing off his knowledge about this place. He was the first person to enter this Palace aside from Nick, so he considered himself a little knowledgeable.

But this explanation didn't come from Nick, instead, it was Loyd himself who came up with this explanation and asked Nick if he had guessed correctly, and of course, Nick told him he was right. Why bother explaining something when someone could explain it for you after all.

And yet, although this explanation might have fooled others, Claire stared at the pool frowning. She had experienced Pill rivers personally. Ever since she was a child, her father would make her soak in one every night before bed after brushing her teeth. And although that Pill river wasn't made out of failed pills but successful and top pills, she could still recognize a pill river once she sees one! But this pool, no matter how she looked at it, was just made of ordinary water!

Unwilling to believe it, Claire even cut her finger a little and dipped it into the pool just to see what would happen. And to her surprise, the wound closed up in seconds! Impossible! How could a Pill river as potent as this exist?!


Suddenly, while everyone was trapped in their own thoughts, the cocoon in the pool cracked. And slowly, little by little, the crack began to spread until finally…


The cocoon exploded and from within a figure rushed out at lightning speed jumping out of the water and hovering midair majestically!

"Did you all miss me?" Nick smiled handsomely.

"Ahhh!" Claire screamed and covered her eyes. But one could notice her peaking out her fingers.

"Mine is bigger," Loyd commented with his head held high.

Confused Nick looked down and found he was but naked. And just as he was about to rush away in shame he suddenly stopped and realized…that there was nothing to be ashamed about! This was his palace! Can't a man even feel the breeze in his own home?!

"Hey Claire, you can open your eyes now, I'm all dressed up." Nick lied while doing a pose like a little pervert flasher. He didn't care about the men here but he at least wanted the girl to know how impressive he was. But how would she if she didn't take a proper look?!

"No, liar! Your still naked!" Claire protested. She was peeking through her fingers a little so she could see that he was still naked.

"Damn it. Just trust me and open your eyes will you?!" Nick grew angry. Was it too much to ask for a little appreciation here?

"No! Liar!" Claire refused.

"But…wait a minute! How could you possibly know I am lying unless…your peeking… You little perverted girl…hehe!" Nick suddenly began laughing happily as he bought a change of clothes from the system. How could he not be happy when a woman enjoyed what she saw so much that she peeked at him shyly?

"No, I wasn't peeking! I swear!" Claire took her hands away from her face and revealed her blushing face as she argued with Nick.

"Oh, really? Then how do you explain the fact that you opened your eyes as soon as I really put on my cloth?" Nick asked with a smile.

"I, but, I…" Claire began stuttering anxiously. She only peeked at his upper body because she was honestly curious to see how his arms had grown out. She could swear to the heavens that she didn't look down there!

"No need to be shy, in fact, if you play your cards right, you might even get…a little taste…" Nick said the last few words like a shy little girl before flying into the palace.

"Wait, stop!" Claire anxiously flew ahead of him and grabbed his arm.

"Oh, this is unconventional. I am going to pee, do you like seeing it so much that you want to see it in action?" Nick asked as if he was honestly confused.