Nick's wrath! Part, 2

The fourth Red lightning serpent in the sky hadn't launched an attack this whole time! And the reason was, their target's coordinates kept changing when they couldn't even see them!

As the tribulation sent by the heavens, these lightnings were intelligent enough to find their prey no matter where they hid. But this time was different, because this time, whenever they found the door leading to the palace space where Claire was hiding, the door would soon shift and move around! And this was because the doors to the palace were usually anchored to Nick if he was outside. So, the coordinates to the palace kept following Nick everywhere!

"It's you?!" Master Crow's eyes widened in surprise. All this time he had kept a close eye on the lightning serpent in the sky just in case one of them headed his way by accident. But to his surprise, he found the serpents following a certain person with their eyes the whole time. And that person was Nick. He didn't expect the person that caused all this mess to be this asshole. Did this man not care for his life?! Why would he make a heavenly oath and then break it?!

But Nick didn't reply, and just proceeded to walk closer and closer to Master Crow, and then stopped once he was around a hundred meters away.

Nick would usually be reasonable when it came down to his actions. If the enemy was tough, hide to fight another day, if the enemy was weak, he would wreck them senselessly. And it would be a lie if he said he didn't want to return to his cozy palace where he would be safe from not only Crow but the scary lightning in the sky.

But…he just couldn't do it!

Ever since entering this Secret realm he had suffered defeat after defeat, failure after failure. He had run away most of the time and didn't really confront anyone because a lot of those here could kill him before he could get a word out.

But he should draw a line somewhere, a line that others shouldn't cross, otherwise if he just ran every time he couldn't handle anything, or just tolerated it all for the sake of staying alive, Nick didn't know if he could still come out of it as himself one day.


Rage of the black tiger technique! But weirdly, unlike last time, where both Nick's eyes had turned ink black, this time only his left eye was black, and his right eye shone with a majestic purple hue, this was because his right eye, was in the Dragon eyes form!

However, Nick didn't plan on stopping there! He had a little surprise in store for Master Crow! And as he grinned unnervingly at Crow, Nick took out a small rectangular paper, with a lot of scribblings on it and struck it hard against his stomach! And under Master Crow's curious eyes, the talisman soon vanished into Nick's body!

Provisional cultivation increasing talisman!

Nick had used up nearly every Domineering points he had, including the ones he had made in the Secret realm on purchasing this talisman from the system! On their way to the Gathering city, Nick and Loyd had run into a group of cultivators, and Nick's display of power had earned him a few points, but he had gained the bulk of these points when he announced that he would be giving out a powerful immortal technique as a reward back at the city!

Anyone crazy enough to give away such a thing was either insane or just too cool to the cultivators, so Nick gained a lot of domineering points after word spread throughout Gathering city.

In total Nick had used seven thousand Domineering points to purchase this talisman, and the results were…


Transcend realm, rank 2!

Transcend realm, rank 3!

Transcend realm, rank 4!

Transcend realm, rank 5!

Transcend realm, rank 6!

Transcend realm, rank 7!

Transcend realm, rank 8!

Transcend realm, rank 9!


Immortal Core realm, rank 1!

And pretty soon Nick's cultivation stabilized at Immortal Core realm rank two! And the craziest part was, Nick's physical body cultivation had been raised to Immortal Core realm rank two as well!

This was the description of this talisman.

[Provisional cultivation increasing talisman:- Are you weak? And do you want to be strong?! Well, with this talisman you will become strong…temporarily…This talisman will temporally increase your cultivation level by ten ranks. The talisman can either raise your energy cultivation, your physical cultivation, or both. It can be used by anyone whose cultivation is below the Immortal realm. There's a time limit to the increase in cultivation, and the effects of this talisman will run out in thirty minutes.

P.S.: Learn from Cinderella's mistake and calculate your time wisely. Because if your time runs out in the middle of the 'dance' the opponent might crack your skull open with their class slippers.]

Nick read the description and felt like these descriptions were getting more and more stupid.

"Hey, ScareCrow, did you miss me?" Nick grinned so widely his chick looked like they would rip.

"Huh? Did you use that talisman to increase your cultivation? Well, that's not bad and all, but do you think this bit of strength is enough to keep you safe from the Heavenly lightning?!" Master Crow scorned Nick as he pointed to the terrifying lightning serpents in the air to make his point.

Nick looked at Master Crow in confusion for a moment before raising his head to find all the lightning serpents glaring daggers at him. And under the astonished and stupefied gazes of Master Crow and the serpents, Nick raised his middle finger to them and said, "Fuck you guys too! A bunch of ugly snakes!"


Enraged! The heavens had gotten angered! And the fourth lightning serpent stuck down in Nick's direction!

But Nick, who was now under the influence of the Black Tiger technique didn't care as he simply turned his attention back to Master Crow and said, "Now I can give you my undivided attention little Crow, I didn't raise my cultivation to fight with lightning, I raised it to fight you, so…die!"

After finishing his sentence Nick closed the hundred meters gap in a mere second and appeared right beside Master Crow!

"Stay away from me!" Master Crow cried in fear and tried to back away from Nick who was being chased by the lightning. But he didn't expect Nick would simply cackle and follow him around.

"I said stay away!!!" Master Crow summoned a large hand made entirely of Dark mist and launched a fist in Nick's direction.

Blue Soul Flames!

"Hehe, let's fist bump buddy!" Nick laughed like a clown as he summoned a large flaming hand made of Blue Soul Flame and met the Dark mist fist of Crow's.


The Blue Soul Flame was now being fueled by immortal energy, so its powers weren't just amplified two-fold, but a hundredfold!

So, that large and scary Dark mist got burned to cinders! And the scariest part was, this flame had actually burned the mental connection Master Crow had with the mist, making this the second time this had happened to Master Crow today.

Mental connections usually get formed through the soul, and any damage they took would harm the soul directly. But usually, a regular attack wouldn't be able to harm the soul, and only soul related attacks were capable of doing it. And yet sadly for Master Crow, this Blue Soul flame and the heavenly lightning, just happened to be capable of harming the soul!

Now suffering from another attack on his soul Master Crow vomited blood into his hands and began looking at it in horror. How long had it been since his blood had appeared outside his body, just how long?!

"Today, I will play with you until my heart's content!" Nick laughed maniacally and appeared right over Master Crow. But this time, he didn't even get to attack him, because the lighting, had caught up to them!

The lightning was now over Nick and Master Crow and struck down with all its heavenly fury! But before Crow could run away or at least try to, he found Nick had somehow gotten on his back and had wrapped his arms and legs around Master Crow binding the two of them tightly. And when Crow tried to chop Nick's limbs off like last time, he found out that he couldn't! Nick's body was too tough!

"Where do you think you're going? Let's experience this heavenly bliss together, hahahaha! Awwww! That's painful! Hahaha! Damn that hurts…pftt hahaha!" Nick sounded absolutely insane as a wave of laughter and screaming kept on sounding from him.

This lightning serpent, unlike the first three, didn't cause as great a commotion, because unlike the others who destroyed the surrounding environment, this lightning was very environment friendly apparently as it simply dived into its target body to wreak havoc. Nick was the target, and the pain he was going through was unimaginable. But Master Crow's experience was just as painful, if not worse!

And the reason the pain might have been worse for Master Crow, was because Nick, who was shouldn't even be able to move from all the destruction going on in his body, had somehow made time in his busy schedule to bring out a dagger and stab it into Master Crow's butt multiple times while yelling 'Giddy-up!' over and over again as if Master Crow was a horse…

And to make matters worse, Master Crow's body was simply an ocean of Dark mist, and the amount of mist compressed in his body alone would be enough to fill a small river, but now, all that mist, had turned into the best kind of fuel for the lightning and soon all that mist combusted!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Multiple mini-explosions began resounding from master Crow's body, but Nick hadn't heard it at all as he was too busy stabbing the man in the butt. What was most satisfying in the world? Of course, it was sleeping with your enemy's wife…but what was the second most satisfying thing, it would be sleeping with their mother…never mind, stabbing Master Crow's butt was satisfying, that was the point here!

"Agggh! I will destroy you!" Master Crow had never been so enraged in his life! And soon, all the remaining dark mist in his body was released in one large burst! Flinging Nick away from him.

And yet just as Nick was thinking of getting up and grabbing ahold of Master Crow again. He found out that the lightning serpent that was roaming around in his body seemed to have realized that Nick's body could regenerate rapidly no matter how much damage it caused, so this time, it had switched targets and was heading straight for his Dantain(Energy center)!

Not good!

Nick could regenerate with the Rage of the Black tiger technique no matter where he got attacked as long as his soul and energy center were intact. But if this serpent destroyed his Energy center then Nick's entire cultivation would be destroyed, and as there wouldn't be anything to supplement the technique it would soon stop on its own. And Nick would soon die at the hands of the lightning if not Master Crow!