Chapter 1

Earth Year 2019.

In a normal looking apartment a fat black man called Alex sits on his L shaped gray sofa with his tablet. He searches for novels on this tablet, but manage not to find one the suits his taste. He lets out a sigh says.

"Man I hate wanting the read something but all the novels I read are not updating fast enough, worst is during the wait you try to find new novels to make the time go faster but is easy to find?, Hell no it's almost impossible to find new good novels" "I also have to say I envy some protagonist in these novels sometimes. "Maybe One day in the future I can get an Op power or system like these people he-he. I wonder…"Before the though had even had finished he felt shame and started to cringe.

"I can't believe me a 28 year old man still have dreams like this ha-ha."

But even if this though was kind of childlike was it really strange of him to have a though like this? When Alex life has been what most would call normal. He had dated a few cute girls and some that weren't, gotten heart broken, finished high school, was a college dropout and even had some "jobs". During his youth he was also a very athletic person, he trained in many different kind of sports but really rarely felt alive even when he was fighting against others in boxing. Most males would gotten a rush when boxing or doing other physical sports but Alex never did. The only times he could recall feeling his heart beating heavy and his blood was boiling was when he dreamt of being a powerful person that could explore the unknown, doing something shameless or helping those who need it during his daily life. Almost every human wants to know thy self and know what destiny may hold so in order to find out Alex tested a lot but ended up disappointed. His biggest disappointment was when it came to the supernatural, many believe in this but it's not proven or disproven fact. So what he did mostly during his years was to try finding some kind of way to see if it was real or not. But all he found was silence so realizing that the supernatural would most likely would not be true, he lost hope for a life other than normal. Sadly what follow was a deep depression and sadness for the world. This caused him to become that fat lazy person he is today. If you would ask what kind a person Alex had been through the years I would say he was a kind person but also a person that most would had said done terrible things. Sadly the truth is Very few humans are all good. But when the situation demands it who you truly are will show itself. My tip to you is treat others how you want to be treated yourself and don't let fear cloud the better part of you.

Alex decided to go to the kitchen to make a beverage but he still couldn't decide what kind. Sadly even when he later though back he couldn't remember what he decided to put in the cup, anyway he started the microwave and sat down for it to complete …. Only a few moments later he hear aloud beep.

"Strange is it already ready? Feels like it was a few seconds sense it started…"

He walks up and notice the microwave is not even close to complete.

"Strange must have heard wrong…"

A few second later he hear a female voice saying

"Host finally meets the requirement for system booting up…. Loading …2%.....15%....45%....91%....100% system finished booting up"

"Hi my new master..."