Chapter 12 - Arrogans

The prince sat down in his commendations and thought back on what had just happened.At the end he had agree with Alex but only did so on that Alex proved himself In the tournament.The masked man in question had given him an pill that would suppress the poison for a month, of course he asked why he did and got the answer to show good faith.As to not take the pill or not the answer was simple, their was no reason not to as he would be dead sooner then without talking it.


In his secret room he got from this years tower owner, Alex sat down and a flame with multiple different colors could be seen.This flame was used for black smith, alchemy and many more purposes.

In this realm when it came to alchemy many would use something called a pill cauldron.Many used these in order to have control over the heat and not to loose the essence of the material. Alex didn't need a pill cauldron as he had complete control over the flame and could use his Qi to prevent any essence lost. Now he was using it for creating 3 pills thought.

One was for the intention to cure the prince, called breath of the old gods and the other two was for his friends safety. For his friends the pill was one that Alex had made himself and was not know to the world yet but it would be in the near future. The pill worked like no other before it, it would rest in the body and in the moment before death it would be released and save the person from further damage, of course this would only imply if the person had its head still intact and it would also be able to heal all the persons injures. With time though the pill would be used up and with it the effect.

The worst part of it was during and a long after these healing period the said person would be in a coma state making you alive and well yet helpless at the same time. Nevertheless it's a true life saving pill, but with still flaw. Don't miss understand Alex by thinking he still needed more practice to finally remove this flaw, as he did make it on a purpose as a fail safe for future troubles. The truth is he believes in others but you may never know what underhand tactics his enemies may take, other s may trust in the wrong person or just a simple betrayal. So in order to protect himself and others he will always make make preparations for the worst case scenarios. For now though he was lucky he had only his quest and two other people to care for, although in the future this will change when he has a massive sect to protect.

Anyway with his complete mastery of Alchemy, the pills was done quickly and what laid in his hands was one black pill, so black that you could swear that it was like an never ending abyss and in his other hand two white pill ones that was almost translucent. He gave a smile and started to walk out of his room towards the tournament arena again.


In the arena there was massive shouts being heard and it was for one of the most powerful and beautiful female contestants Takahara Che. She was not happy or sad of people praising her or their lustful gazes. Her eyes was expressionless and the thoughts was only on her duty to her sect and on her lost family, but for some reason her eyes looked up at a certain boy while moving away from the arena. She could not see the face of and felt a warm feeling going throughout her body. She stopped moving away from the arena and asked her elder to find them a seat to watch for the boy battle.Che of course was wondering why she did this when she would normally just leave when the task was done. This masked boy was of course Alex.

Alex was now in the tournaments battle arena waiting for his next opponent and finally she appeared. A girl with red orange royalty velvet gown that held a perfect s shape body. The gown had a mayor feature with a split from the middle thigh to allow the wearer to use the legs without abstraction and the side effect was to make her even more alluring to most men. He notice all the men around the arena started to have lustful gazed toward her and some giving him a warning glare to end the quick and in her favor. Under his mask he only looked at the seductress with poker face. She decided to swing her hips to make her butt shake and pressed her d cup mountain peak together to allure even more men. She looked around the crowd with her pride high then look at Alex with an expression that told him that she saw him as low as an cockroach.

Even when notice this Alex bowed and asked the beauty lady.

"May I know your name?"

At this question she felt even more disdain for him.Her judgment came from realizing that first he didn't know who she. What she said next was because she had investigated every one in the tournament and found some special people worthy of respect, as for him nothing was found and with her hidden backer this meant he was a nobody.

"I will not give a nobody the honor of knowing my name" "I will only tell you this " "First if you are dreaming of a life with me I will never be a wife to a weak nobody" "Second I warn you I'm not someone that you want to displease so do what I say or I will kill you or anyone you care about" "Now leave the arena and let me win, I don't want to be near a trash like you"

Alex though responded with a cold response in return whilst straightened his back. He took a deep breath and said.

"I can't do as you say and even if i could I wouldn't now."

Hearing this nobody responded with an answer that she didn't want to hear made her furious as it did with a lot of men. Many was quick witted so they decided to try to court favor with the beautiful lady. One group just yelled profanities toward Alex another part decided to threaten his life and that they would cripple him later on.

Alex decided to make his voice extremely loud to shutdown the screaming and make people listen.

"The little respect I had for you as a fellow cultivator is now gone!"

" Arrogance and pride is a good thing to have, but when you have to much of it, others will suffer " "Life if precious, the one that has right to end life should be one that respect it and doesn't let it end for pity reasons " Enough talk let's fight so I can beat some wisdom in to you "