Chapter 17 - top 20

"We announce now that we are finally closer to the finals" "The final 20 out of many thousands have been finalized " "The token numbers that made it are "

After saying a bunch of token numbers a huge screen pop up with notification that read as followed.

"If your token number has been lost immediately report this to the main desk, otherwise you token will be invalid when you report your lost token later. "

Another notification was displayed after, it said about 30 % of people had died or been severely injured during the selection and the rest hadn't won the battles either flat out lost or gave up. The people giving up had done so most likely because they faced someone way stronger than them.

Alex couldn't help feeling his blood starting to boil from the excitement, why? Well simply put the closer to the finale the stronger and more battle experience his opponents should have.


The next morning came and many could feel a rush of excitement fill the air. For today was the first day to thin the Tournament contestants even further to only the last 5 remaining. Many at this point had started gathering info about all the contestants but none had found any good clue where a certain contestant came from nor any news at all about him. At this point, many believed he was either a complete Rouge cultivator *1 or a hidden S from one of the top sects. Even the few sect elders that had joined into the crowd at this point was wondering if their headmaster or some other sect's headmaster had done this.

As for the new arena hall that would hold the 20 contenders, VIP, and all people were massive, About 20 Soccer field in size and the fighting stage about the same size as two Soccer field. As for where in the "tower" the where nobody knew. Due to the massive size, it was estimated that over 200k could fit in this hall.

The sun shined brightly on the arena platform, it sparkled like a white diamond yet it was not diamond but a large white ember rock. This ember rock had of course been shaped by a Great smithy. Around the side of the arena platform, a large red banner was plaster on. It had a large ancestral symbol on it, as for what it meant No one knew yet somehow it held great respect.

All the VIP spectators for the upcoming matches had gathered. They might be a bit early, yet they had to arrive earlier in order not to lose their precious spot, sadly even the regular seats had to be occupied earlier as well.

A few hours later a large beast roar was heard and as it stopped a tall man wearing complete navy blue clothing came out. He stops at the fighting arena and spoke

"It's my great honored to present you all these 20 strong cultivators "

20 humans started walking towards the announcer. 9 of them wore clothing indicating they were richer than the rest of the consistence, because of this they held their arrogance with pride.

In respect of them I and hopefully you, will take a bow for them the announcer said.

Many stood up and took a bow, as always though some elders and people where too proud to do so.

After about 30 seconds of silence the announcer spoke again

"As many may already know, the rules will be slightly alter at this point and at the last two killing is permitted and a few more things will happen." " Right now though you may use talisman, any defensive weapon or other means at your convenience, as with killing the same rules still apply as before" " We strongly believe that at this stage you should have enough power/skills to prevent deaths " " As to why the final two will be allowed to have a death match if they deems it so, It is simply to push their skill and fairness to the limit as some could be proficient in killing techniques or other means such as their strongest move is their final move making them die on their own"

"Please honorable cultivators take a seat in the special V.I.P booth that is closest to the arena. " "When your token number is called step out and prepare to fight"

Alex sat down in the V.I.P booth and looked around him. He notice the arrogant young master from before sitting next to a sword user and the lady he spoke to in the previous area.

Contestant ... and ... please come to the arena platform yelled the announcer.

The two fighters started to walk up to the look quite ordinary. Both had Slim body frame but with a tall height. The only thing that stood out was their different weapons, one had a staff and the other had a saber. At first glance many believed that their weapons where ordinary, this was a wrong notion as both their weapon was at least high earth grade. At this point the announcer notice the grade of the weapons too. Although he was sure many knew what this grade represented he still decided to explain it to the few that might not understand.

"What do we have here folks?" "It looks like two high earth grade weapons!"

"Remember everyone the classifications grades of weapons are Mortal, Earth, Heaven Supreme, Emperor, Divine and last Dao." "Each grade has individual rank as well Low (1-3), mid (4-5), High (6-8) and upper (9-10) "

"As this is weapons above mortal grade this weapon has transcended what a mortals can create!" "You might ask why it is so. "Well the material the weapon is created from is either born with Qi infused in to it" "This alters the strength, weight and sharpness of the material" "Smiths calls this Heaven born materials" "These are extremely precious and is way better than the second rate way to get this material.. " "The second way which could be more costly and usually isn't are strong nor as sharp, is to have the smith master to use his Pressure of his cultivation with other qi attributed materials to craft it"

"Ok folks enough of the explanation, Cultivators do you wish to announce your names, status or clan affiliations? "