Carefreeness and exasperation.

Li Yang rested his hands behind his head as he sauntered around with a leisure gait, he had just returned from the World-Rending Behemoth sect so he wasn't in an immediate rush to continue cultivating. Mei Kongxu would be sent over in a week, at which point they would go through the archives of this sect and dig up any information that might let them learn more about the visions they were both seeing and hearing.

There was a good chance that they would leave the sect upon finding any clues, or places that might contain clues, so it wouldn't be a waste of time for him to spend a bit of time just wandering around. After all, this would be the first time he actually left his home in such a manner, one where he didn't even know when he would return. Of course, wanting to have a bit of fun by bothering others was also part of the reason he would wander around, but he wasn't intending on admitting that.

Li Yang passed through two spatial arrays and continued his sauntering for an hour before his steps halted and his crimson pupils shifted to the side. A dome-shaped wooden building spread out a few kilometres to his side, a spiralling metal rod stretching up from the centre of the building's roof. He glanced at the position cast by the metal rod, the corners of his lips slowly arching up in a devious manner as he changed his direction and headed for the dome.

The tall and curvaceous Ting Miu was currently wearing a dignified expression as she explained some of the trickier points within the law of wood to the students in the lecture hall. Her dark orange hair was tied into a neat braid and her brown eyes were focused on the chalkboard in front of her, but none of the students dared to make a ruckus even though she wasn't currently looking at them.

The room was filled with at least 200 students, but it was so quiet that the only audible sound was their subdued breathing as well as the soft sound of them writing down some notes. Ting Miu almost felt like breathing in the atmosphere, it was an atmosphere any teacher would be delighted to have. But then came the sound of someone pushing open a door, a loud voice tearing through the atmosphere she relished in.

"Senior Sister Mi... No, you've grown so much prettier that I need to call you Fairy Sister Miu now! I've finally returned to your side, now we can finally go on our lovely date!"

Ting Miu felt something well up in her chest when she heard that familiar voice, but she wasn't sure if it was pure anger or blood that started to boil. The piece of chalk she was holding instantly shattered between her fingers, her eyebrows twitching violently as she turned around and did her best to maintain her dignified expression.

She raised her head and looked at the youth standing at the edge of the room, which was built like a half-circle that almost resembled an arena, the outer seating area slowly elevating until you reached the highest point at the edge. His icy-blue hair was neatly swept back, and even though he had become the focal point of everyone present, the men especially looking at him viciously, his crimson eyes only contained playfulness.

"Junior Brother Yang, this is not the place for you to cut in!"

"Silence, Junior Brother Yang!"

"You are not welcome here, Junior Brother Yang!"

Sure enough, some of the more hot-blooded men in the room immediately flared up when Li Yang spoke out. After all, the first thing he did was make a move on the Senior Sister that many of them dreamed about every night when they were alone. Seeing as this was a lecture focused on the law of wood, it was indeed not a place that Li Yang should be present, but that didn't mean that he was forbidden from being here, so he simply waved his hand in a dismissive manner.

"Yes yes yes, dogs go woof woof. I'm talking to Fairy Sister Ting, so why don't the three of you go mate with your little home-made puppets like obedient doggies?"

He spoke casually as he started to descend the stairs leading to the chalkboard, but forget about giving any face, his words were a direct insult without the slightest care for the other party's feelings. And as one would expect after being insulted in such a manner, the three hot-blooded men flared up even further.

"How dare you!!!"

The three youths sprung up and practically ran on the prolonged desks stretching out in front of the seats, charging at Li Yang with red faces. But the stairs he was descending weren't wide enough to allow all three of them to run side by side, resulting in them inadvertently running at him in a straight line once they reached the stairs. But even as they charged directly at him, Li Yang still maintained his playfulness.

He gave the stairs a light kick and jumped up, using his law of speed to move so fast that the three men didn't get the chance to react properly. He stepped on the head of the first one and then moved across the heads of the three people in a swift motion, giving the head of the third man a light kick backwards as he moved past him. He also used a trace amount of his law of gravity to reverse the gravity around the man's right foot, destabilizing his footing just as Li Yang kicked his head.

As a result, the man fell forward and crashed into the one ahead of him. Li Yang immediately used his law of gravity on the feet of the two other people, destabilizing their footing in the same manner. The third man crashed into the second one and made him fall forward thanks to the unstable footing, both crashing into the first man and falling to the ground in a pile. As for Li Yang, he landed lightly on the ground and bowed gracefully to the woman sitting to his right.

"Junior Sister Shiye has also grown prettier while I was gone, I'd be honoured if you'd be willing to grace me with your presence in the upcoming days. All six moons should be in full bloom two days from now, it will certainly be a beautiful sight, one befitting of Junior Sister Shiye."

The young girl who looked to be about 14 couldn't help but blush in the face of Li Yang's charming smile, using a finger to curl her brown hair in a bashful manner. Li Yang was a playful and carefree person, but he was still handsome and had multiple times showed that he wasn't as simple as he first appeared, it was more than enough to make him rather appealing.

Li Yang spun his still bowing body to the side while the girl nodded her head, a wooden orb whizzing through the air where his head had just been. He straightened his back and continued to move forward, giving a slight hop to jump over another wooden orb that Ting Miu launched at him. He had already gotten more than used to her launching attacks at him like this so he simply continued to dodge as he approached her, stopping a few steps away from her as he spoke in a suggestive tone.

"I'm glad to see that you've missed me this dearly, Fairy Sister Miu. I've also missed you a great deal, I've spent almost every day thinking about those wondrous hours we shared together all alone. Just the thought of how your hands kept touching me again and again is enough to send a tingle down my spine. Now that I've returned, you definitely must join me so that we can repeat it, I simply won't be able to bear it if you reject me."

Ting Miu's chest instantly heaved violently as Li Yang spoke out, making sure that his voice reached every corner of the room. She, of course, was perfectly aware of what he was asking her, he wanted her to help him train in his body cultivation technique again by using the force of her attacks to help. But the way he said it was simply too vile, too suggestive, and it was definitely on purpose.

Her hand unconsciously swung out due to her embarrassment, but Li Yang had always been too slippery for her so he simply ducked beneath her hand and spun around. He turned his head to look back, putting on a bashful expression as he started to saunter away, as if he had just come here to tick her off.

"Oh, not in front of all these people, Fairy Sister Miu. Or do you want them to know about our special little pleasures?"

Ting Miu's eyebrows rose sharply, a bit of her Qi flaring up in response. But Li Yang had already moved forward at a blistering pace by the time the wooden floor rose up, allowing him to reach the open door of the room without Ting Miu halting him.

"Don't forget the promise, Junior Sister Shiye, I'll definitely enjoy a good night of moon watching befitting of your beauty. And Fairy Sister Miu, please do come to find me at my home, I'm certain you won't need me to guide you."

He left behind his playful and charming voice, winking seductively as he closed the door to block the final orbs of wood that Ting Miu shot at him in her embarrassment. Of course, she could easily shatter the doors and catch him since she was much stronger than him, but he hadn't quite passed her bottom line so she wasn't willing to do that.

Li Yang continued to saunter around after playing around with Ting Miu, moving around from place to place. And he didn't just spend this one day doing so, he spent 70% of his time in the following week just sauntering and playing around. The remaining 30% was spent training in his body cultivation manual, The Heavenly Queen's 1st Star. After all, he was still only at the Small Sucess stage for his hands and feet, he still had a long road ahead of him.

He made good on his promise with Junior Sister Shiye and watched the full moons with her, but Ting Miu didn't join him in his training, giving a casual excuse that she was busy. Of course, she might not have joined him, but he would definitely join her so that he could tease her a bit every day.

But as the seventh day dawned, he was still forced to head to one the cities that made up his Deep Sea King sect. This was the day that Mei Kongxu would arrive, and as her future husband, there was no way that Li Yang could be absent. As such, he arrived in front of the specified spatial array a bit before the sun rose, the array itself lighting up just as the sun crested the horizon.

Just like he was the only one to wait there, there was only one person that stood inside the array after the silver light faded. Mei Kongxu's pitch-black eyes were still cold and forlorn, but Li Yang could see a small trace of hope that hadn't been present when the two first met. Her snow-white hair still cascaded freely down her back and to her buttocks, her curvaceous and shapely body still covered by a somewhat loose silver dress. She trained her eyes on him the moment she saw that he was alone, not bothering to waste any time as she spoke up.

"Did you find anything in your sect's archives? There were a few possible clues in ours, but I want to see if we can reference them up against your archives to become even more certain."

One of her greatest desires was of course to find out the truth behind the visions she was seeing, the desire that constantly nagged at her mind and practically haunted her. But faced with her immediate question, Li Yang simply shrugged his shoulders without a care in the world.

"Dunno, haven't checked the archives for anything yet."

He had indeed not visited the sect's library even once since he returned to the sect, he hadn't even sent anyone there to see if they could search for him. His carefree admission immediately caught Mei Kongxu off-guard, her chilly expression faltering for a second due to how dumbfounded she was.

"You... You laugh at me for not checking my sect's archives, but haven't even checked your own sect's archives?!"

She wasn't able to stop herself from stuttering, she still remembered how viciously Li Yang had laughed at her when he learned that she hadn't actually checked her sect's archives despite receiving much clearer visions than him. Li Yang only smirked at her dumbfoundedness, his expression shifting into one of heartfelt care and love.

"You didn't check them because you were too much of a dunce to even think about it despite the clear clues you got. I didn't check them because I wanted the two of us to do it together, to spend a bit of lovey-dovey time together as we searched for clues. Doesn't that sound nice and heart-warming, just you and me in the dark archives as we scour through text after text, side by side?"

Mei Kongxu didn't believe his expression for a single second. It was to the point that she was confident that the only reason he hadn't checked the archives on his own was to leave her dumbfounded like this. She quickly sucked in a deep breath to maintain her chilly expression, stepping off of the spatial array.

"Ju... Just take me to your archives..."

That exasperation was the only emotion she could muster in the face of Li Yang's carefreeness, his attitude and personality were so far removed from her own that she simply had no idea how to deal with them. But Li Yang simply continued to rock her usual cold nature, stretching out his hand with an innocent expression that almost caused mei Kongxu's vision to go dark.

"Of course, would you like to hold my hand, wifey?"