The Gathering of Experts (Part 3)

Daniel was sitting on the fictitious space, and in his hands, the two seventh rank beast core were being consumed at a rate visible to the eye.

He was currently in semi-conscious state, and he had been so for the past day.

His body was experiencing a change. A change similar and yet different from the one he had experienced during his breakthrough into the perfect state of the first main stage of cultivation.

The flow of beast essence was currently being split into two even streams, and refining both his body and spirit. The only difference with the time when Daniel had reached the perfect body and connection, was that his two essences weren't becoming even more compatible with each other, and instead, they were starting to merge.

Each essence was initially like water and oil. And the idea of the two merging was preposterous despite the fact that ki was the essence generally used to trade for spiritual essence through one's connection to the spiritual plane.