I Bet You Will Not Be Disappointed

Once Jerigh and Roley finished being tested, the two masters of wind left the arena, and went to compare, and combine their evaluations of the competitors together.

The results would be all given at the same time at the end of the testings.

The moment the two masters of wind disappeared, The nine-fingered cultivator appeared once again in the middle of the stage. Once there, he said with his usual oppressively high tone "What a beautiful spectacle.. Truly worthy of our mighty collective! But let's not stop here.. The next test is for water essence!"

The moment the man finished speaking, the majority of the cultivators walked back up on the stage, leaving only a few of the dozens of people on the outside of the stage, similarly to what had happened the moment the test for wind essence had been announced.

With all probability, those who had left the stage were those who had never tried to comprehend wind or water essence to begin with.
