Second Great War of Hell (Part 1)

Daniel ignored the ice cold look of the lupa, and instead tapped his thighs in order to convince the wolf cub to jump onto his lap, but a low grow stopped him before it could take the leap.

As soon as the growl reached the cub's ears, his long tail stopped wagging around. It then laid down on its belly, with his muzzle placed in between his paws. This behaviour was not out of the fear he felt from his mother, but a habit he and the rest of the litter had picked up from his older siblings.. like the companion of the young demoness, which was lowering his head, and sitting quietly.

Right after the lupa made sure that her cub wasn't doing anything she didn't approve of, she turned to look at the demon lord with eyes colder than outer space itself.

The demon lord tried to stop the cubs from jumping all over him, and at the same time, he felt the temperature of the entire area drop of several degrees. In a matter of moments, the area became cold enough to turn his breaths visible.