The Endless Battlefield

"Suit yourself, mortal." The giant said in response to Der's words. His large left arm stretched outwards, and towards the mountains of corpses and the cries of battle as he added, "Horns come, your shadow will join my world for the rest of eternity."

Der grinned. "You speak too much, barbarian." He said as waves of oddly powerful immortal essence flooded every inch of his body.

The Endless Battlefield.

That was the name of the dimension Daniel and the others were currently in. A separate plain of existence not unlike melodia, the underworld, or the spiritual plain, but also somewhat different. What made the battlefield different from most other existential plains was not the way it had been created, but the way in which it was being used, for it was not being wielded by its creator, but by War, the one it had been gifted to.