Pull and Tug

A few hours earlier.

"What is her role in all of this?" Roley asked, perplexed. Joan was a simple immortal cultivator, after all. Aside from Ian, who was a simple mortal, she was the least unique of the beings within their cohort. Not a force of nature like Wolfe, not a mental cultivator like Aeron, nor a semi or full fledged being of existential nature. Just a simple immortal cultivator.

Daniel scoffed at the scholar's plain arrogance–a spark of disdain growing in his eyes at the thought that either of his companions could be of more use to him than any other. An arrogant way of thinking for any other creature, but an ingrained mindset for a being of his caliber, who viewed value only within a person's ability to produce power for himself–Hence why, in Daniel's perspective, Joan was the most essential member of the group.