
Shen Tianyu is a beautiful girl even at a young age. She has fair skin as white as snow, a small oval face, expressive black eyes, a small nose and a crescent moon shaped mouth with luscious light pink lips. Her somewhat tight fitting, plain turquoise robe accentuated her slim, delicate body and b-cup breasts. She was currently nervously following behind a stern-looking man in deep blue robe that showed his slim yet muscular body. His face was similar to her's so, to others that didn't know anything, they looked like relatives. The man would have been quite handsome, if not for his solemn eyes and stone-faced expression. In addition, he was giving off an arrogant aura, deterring people from carelessly approaching him.

The clueless girl was fidgeting as she quickly followed that man walking ahead who didn't bother to slow down or stop to wait for her. She knew if she fell behind, he would reprimand her harshly and maybe even beat her if he was in a bad mood. With the girl not knowing where they were going and the man walking purposely in front of her, the pair went through some streets before arriving in front of a luxurious two-story building.

The heavy wooden doors with iron knockers were engraved with sporadic carvings of flowers. Above the doors, there were blue and red paintings with a black, wooden plank hanging in the middle with the words 'Lavender Palace', carved in gold. On the two sides of the door, red lanterns were hanging with red tassels and gold-painted character for 'luck' under a red tiled roof. The second story had a balcony barred with a wooden fence. The man pushed raised the knockers, let it fall, and waited in front of the doors. Before, the girl could question him, the doors creaked inwards and a scholarly-looking man wearing a light blue robe walked out at a leisurely pace.

"Minister Shen, everyone praises you for your faithfulness to your wife. To think you'd one day come to our Lavender Palace, what would happen to that reputation of yours?" the scholarly man joked.

The blue robed man's mouth twitched before he replied, "Sir Mu, I am not here for pleasure. I am here for business."

The scholarly man widened his eyes before his gaze fell on the nervous, fidgeting girl standing behind the minister. A dark light flashed past Sir Mu's eyes, too fast for the minister to catch, before he plastered on a business smile. "My, not here for the girls, but here to sell, to think the minister would be such a person, what would others think? What would your beloved wife think?"

Minister Shen's expression darkened as he opened his mouth, but before he uttered a sound, Sir Mu stepped to the side. He bowed slightly and invited the minister to enter the building. The man closed his mouth and started walking. When he passed the threshold, he realized the girl hadn't moved and turned around, frowning.

As he glared at the girl, she timidly opened her mouth. "Father..." she called in a small voice.

Without responding, Minister Shen glared at her more harshly before he turned around and kept walking. Seeing this, Sir Mu gave the girl a tight-lipped smile and invited her more warmly. The girl donned a plastic smile, nodded and scurried after the man. Sir Mu shook his head before he closed the doors and guided the pair into a conference room in the central building.