The people surrounding the threesome also moved away from the chilling air around the regal woman. The bold woman looked like she wanted to run but her legs were frozen stiff in fear. Because that's bitingly cold gaze... was directed at her. Currently, no one was paying much attention to the disreable man anymore. Though it might become dangerous, everyone was eager to see the drama between the two women. And that was just as well, because currently, there was a small smile on the man's lips and warm mirth in his eyes. He was looking at the woman in front of him, emitting that chilling air that could only be compared to snowy mountains, with absolute adoration and infatuation.
The bold noblewoman was so scared she barely dared to breathe. She was visibly shuddering, though from cold or fear, no one knows. She looked especially pitiable, and under normal circumstances, perhaps others would pity her. But currently, half the people there were inwardly mocking her for being too bold and stupid, while the other half was already infatuated with the other woman in front of her. In short, no one pitied her.
"Still won't scram." Shen Tianyu said in a low hissing voice filled with murder. The bold noblewoman looked like she was about to pass out right then and there. Then she seemed to regain her soul and quickly ran away without looking back, out of the plaza.
Shen Tianyu turned back around and resumed her indifferent face. The guards guarding the line finally got wind that something was not right here. But when they got there, the play was already over. They only saw the people in line creating a circle around the couple, as if wanting to avoid them but was unable to leave. Some still had a hint of fear on them, while others had already thrown the matter to the back of their minds as their interest increased.
The guards felt the circle indicated something had happened that was connected to the couple so they went up to them with stern faces.
"Hey, you two. What happened here?" One of them asked.
Shen Tianyu glanced at them before she fully turned around and gave a slight bow. 'So annoying. They didn't come when that bitch was causing trouble but come now to question?'
"Answering Mister Guard, there was a slight disturbance concerning some woman trying to seduce my... companion over here and we chased her off is all." She answered respectfully. She didn't have to, but she'd rather not cause trouble. She'd get an earful from Public Relations later.
Some of the people behind the guards made a face. Those that were within sight didn't dare make any obvious faces/ Lest they got the couple in trouble and that murderous goddess came after them. There was only a slight twitch of their facial muscles or lips.
'Chased her off? That wasn't inaccurate but wasn't it more like.. you frightened her so much, she fled?' They all thought.
"Hmph. Is that so?" The guard was not that caring, there wasn't any damage to the grounds meaning there wasn't a fight. And he wasn't ignorant to why women were so eager to sign up in a tournament that could cause them injuries. Thi wasn;t the first time something like this happened.
"Yes. Please, be at ease." She replied with a bowed head.
"Hmph. Fine. But I'm keeping an eye on you." There wasn't a fight so there was no need to make a big deal out of it.
"Yes. This subject will be careful not to cause trouble for this Guard Official." Shen Tianyu kept her head down.
The guards left and went back to their positions. They never once paid attention to Rong Jian nor asked him about the happenings. Shen Tianyu explained it so there was no need to ask. Besides, he also didn't spare them a glance and kept looking at the woman, holding the umbrella for her. He probably wouldn't talk very much, having the woman explain things, who was more welcome to talk, was better.
Shen Tianyu got up from her bow and regained her posture. Due to her display this time, there was not another woman as bold to come up and talk up Rong Jian. The men were also scared off by Rong Jian earlier and hadn't forgotten his glare. They finally could wait in line peacefully.
It was a little past noon by the time the umbrella couple came to the front of the line. Other noble children had their underlings or servants stay in line for them while they rested somewhere with shade. But these two stayed in line the whole time. A lot of speculations flew as to why but one wouldn't know unless they asked. And no one has the courage to go up and ask so the crowd could only keep guessing.
The sign up station was simple, as was the requirements. The requirements were merely that one had to be in Foundation Establishment level to register. There was a round ball on each registration table the size of two adult fists. This was used to test whether a person was on the Foundation Establishment level or not. Next to the ball was a signup sheet, where the people who passed would write their names. The tables were set up under simple army tents to shield the officials from the sun. There was one official in charge of each station, or table, with a total of fifteen tables.
Shen Tianyu, as she was in front, was the first to step up among the two. She put her hand on the ball without having be told and channeled as little of her suppressed spiritual energy as possible. She didn't want her true level to be found out but she didn't know how these orbs worked. Whether they will simply light up if one is Foundation Establishment or above. Or if they would emit different reactions for different levels.