Meeting the In-Laws To Be (6)

"Truthfully mother, I met her at the Lavender Palace in Nang Zhou." Rong Jian broke it to them. Being royalty, they weren't unaware of what Lavender Palace was behind the scenes, an information broker agency, but they didn't believe the organization would let one of it's agents leave so easily.

One could hear a pin drop within the room, all eyes staring at the couple of youngsters, some wide-eyed, others not.

"Ahem. Well, that's no matter. As long as you like each other than it's fine, mother will give her full support. The only problem would be those old geezers in court." Before Rong Jian could continue after letting the sentence sink in, the Empress voiced her support.

"That's right. I'm not sure it would blow over well with the old geezers. Even though, you are not of direct royal blood, a lot of them want to have their daughters marry you to build a connection since, you are still part of the family." The first prince held his chin in thought.