The Bet (6)

"Are you done yet? If you don't have anything else, let's end this already." Shen Tianyu unsuccessfully stifled a yawn with her free hand as she continued to parry Yang Lihua's sword.

Tears of frustration were rolling around in Yang Lihua's eyes as all her strikes were being parried as if the other was swatting a mere fly. However, Shen Tianyu didn't care at all. 

Yang Lihua snapped her head up as if finally remembering something. She jumped backwards to gain space between herself and Shen Tianyu. Although, the latter would never attack her first since she didn't deem her worthy of the effort. 

Yang Lihua took out a talisman from her Cosmo Pouch that had been hanging by her waste. Just like it's owner, the Pouch was an incredibly gaudy red with a golden landscape encrusted with jewels of various sizes. It's a miracle it hasn't been stolen by some pickpocket.