Finally, A Battle (21)

'Is this the acidic poroperty of the Poisonous earth Dragon? Looks like it knows that Yun Tianhao is more dangerous than Yi Weixing. Well, it is true, though, or he wouldn't be in the position that he is in.' Shen Tianyu thought to herself.

The greenish-purple acid spread across the ground until it covered all the ground around it. However, it didn't seem to affect the Poisonous Earth Dragon in anyway. It was still standing where it was, not sinking into the ground at all. The ground was smoking but it wasn't bubbling up, or rather the acid was. 

The Poisonous Earth Dragon raised its acid-caked claws ans swiped at Yun Tianhao. Afraid of the poison it was soaked in, Yun Tianhao leapt to the side instead of parrying or blocking. The claw landed on the walls once again. And this time, the wall not ony caved in, the earth around it also started to crackled and crumbled into pieces.