This Park.

I hold the crepes and the cokes as Dylan puts out the blanket. This park is called the River. This is the place where he left….dammit everyday I come back here…..

"There you go your highness." He says and I sit putting down his Strawberry crepe on his side and my Nutella and Banana crepe on mine.

"You may sit you kind sir." I smile and he sits. We eat and talk about books and just life.

"How's your wood carving Ella." He says. It's kind of rare for him to call me by my name….somethings up.

"Oh I..Uhm am making a new wish box." I say.

"Awesome! I wish I was as cool as you." He looks off into the sky and then I know something is up.

"Where is this coming from?" I ask.

"I just want to be grateful today." He smiles.

"No. You are getting to a question. I know you. You always try to butter someone up before you ask a question that's personal or important." Something he's always done since I met him in 6th grade.

"Fine ok…You never told me why this place is important to you. You just told me it was."

My heart drops and I look into his curios eyes. He's giving me those eyes that I can't lie. But it's not lying if I don't tell him the whole story.

"I just have some memories here. Sad and happy. " I say.

"Hmm so you're Kaylee." He smiles.

"I-I….not true!!!" I snap at him and I feel all warm and my face starts to get pink. I look at the tree me and him named. Luna Lovegood one of our favorite Harry Potter characters.

"Yes you are, you are holding back but you go to the one place it all began everyday. But you don't have a love interest you're looking for." He looks up to the sky. Man Dylan if you only knew why I really come here.

"Yeah sure like she has the features I have."

"Well yeah. She's kind, loving, adventurous, beautiful, couragous, sweet, nice, and can kick a** whenever she needs too." He says. I don't know where what he means by this. I'm none of these things.

"Yeah well, That's not me Dyl." I say and sip my coke. I see his eyes sparkling a bit and I think of the sky. But when the galaxy sky I think of him. He left me....and yeah he said goodbye but it still hurts.

"Well L. You still will find that person. And I will help you!" he has determination look in his face. Like he's gonna turn this all around. Maybe he will. But will I really be happy.

"Easier said then done." I say. I don't even know what he's like anymore. We aren't kid's anymore who knows what he's like. He could be a jerk for all I know. Yet I don't see it. He may super ugly and have 500 pounds of acne even if before he was the cutest thing in the world. I don't know if I want to find him....but I kinda have to.....It sounds crazy but it's true.

I know you're probaby wondering who is this kid? Why do you like him so much? What's it to you that you haven't seen him in so long? Why do you keep yourself haunted by his memory? Why are you holding on when he could easily let go? Did he hurt you? And all these things are running through Dylan's mind too. And I will explain everything. At least to you. Not to Dylan. If he knew I don't know what would happen. I may be screwed for the rest of my life if Dylan goes looking for him because then it would be a bigger reminder. Even if I think about him every second everday.....I need to.....I miss him....I have too....