
I wake up the next morning and I feel the pendant around my neck. I sigh. It wasn't a dream....that feeling was real... I start to change into my shorts and a flower tank-top. Then I hear my Taylor whine.

"ELLA TAKE CARE OF YOUR DOG!!!" My dad yells!

"I WILL DAD! I'M GOING TO THE BOOKWORM!" I say running down the stairs super fast. Oh my god I'm gonna have to get used to that. I see Taylor in the her cage.

"Come on girl." I take her out of her cage. I leash her and take her outside. I put walk her in the grass when she finally uses the bathroom I put her in the basket of my bike and ride to the Bookworm.

I see Dylan and his parents. He looks upset as I lock up my bike and pick up Taylor. I watch as his parents walk out and I pet Taylor in my arms.

"Hey Ella." His mom smiles at me.

"Hello, Mrs. Johnson." I smile. They walk past holding hands.

I walk in and put Taylor down to play with Luka.

"Oh, L." His frown turns to a fake smile.

"Don't 'Oh L.' Me! What's wrong you looked upset when your parents were talking to you!" I say upset. His smile fades and he walks from behind the cash register to me.

"I....Fine....You know that place where we first met?" He asks.

"Yeah of course. The Playhouse." I say. The Playhouse was the place we met as kids. His Aunt runs it. There is Gym right by there so my dad would drop me off there while he worked out. That place has always been in my heart. But why does that make him sad?

"Well...my aunt's Financial system is really bad....She can't keep the Playhouse...." I hear the heartbreak in his voice...No...No...No...

"No.....No way.....That's not possible!" I say and he hugs me quickly.

"I'm sorry.....I can't believe we are losing the most important place of my life and I hope yours too." I feel his tears on my shoulder. I want to cry but I can't I have to be strong. "That was the first place we met....so many memories...."

"Hey!" I pull away just bit so he can look me in his eyes but he holds me tight. "I'm not going anywhere. Our friendship isn't going anywhere. Playhouse was just a place filled with memories that will always be in our hearts, but we still have each other alright?" I wipe his tears and I feel his arms around my hips hold me tighter.

"You are right." He sniffs. I wrap my arms around his neck.

"I know I always am." I smile and press my forehead against his. He smiles.

"Haha I guess I should learn to never question the Buggaboo." He says. His smile turns into this totatly cute and crazy smirk. It drives me crazy because I feel like He's trying to make me like him or want to kiss him or something crazy like that.

"Hehe stop being such a flirt." I blush a bit but ugh sometimes I can't help but wonder maybe Dylan is a possible canidate. BUT HE'S MY BEST FRIEND THAT'S AGAINST THE RULES!!!!! AND WHAT ABOUT LIAM!!!

"Hehe come on Bugga. You love my flirting." He smiles more and ugh I get this flustered feeling because I hate it but a part of me likes it too....STOP DYLAN!!

"Now stop right there Fluffer!" I poke his nose. "You are so annoying when you do this."

"Annoyingly cute." He bites his lip.

"Stop!!!" I say getting too flustered that it just comes out. I unwrap my arms from his neck and cross them in front of my chest.

"Ok, Ok, Baggaboo." He chuckles as he unwraps his arm from my hips. "Until the next flirt." He takes my hand and kisses it.

"You are such a idiot."

"And you love it."

"So, I love you?" I question.

"I hope so." He blushes a bit and get this sparkle in his eyes.

"Stop messing around I need to talk to you about something seriously weird." I say trying to keep him on check so we can talk to me about the Pendant.

"Ok, What is it?"

"Well....Don't think I'm crazy." I say as I walk to the shelves in the middle and sit one of the bean bags.

"Tell me." He says sitting in the same one with his arm around me.

"I'm.....a Hybrid....."