
We step outside. He bends down to my level.

"Do you need me to change back?" I ask.

"No you're fine." He says and I hop into his arms.

"Ella. I'm telling this with all my trust." Tre says holding me like a baby.

"Ok?" I answer. "You know I'm trustworthy." I roll my eyes.

"You can't repeat this ok!" He snaps.

"I won't! God stop stalling and tell me." I roll my eyes.

"I....Well I like.....someone...." He starts.

"Someone.....Sandy?" I ask.

"No never in a million years." He says and looks back inside. "It's well.....It's Cherry."



"You mean you like V?!"

"Oh my god yes!"

"Vanessa!" I yell.


"C....U.....T.....E.....CUTEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yell. He blushes red.

"W-well how can I not love her. She is strong and doesn't take any sh*t. She has beautiful red hair and just she's perfect." He messes with his hair and sighs. "It's great to finally get this off my chest. "I've liked her since we met" He smiles a bit and he looks adorable. I don't like him but I love love and with that sparkle in his eyes I can tell he loves her.

"She's lucky to have a guy like you to have a crush on her." I smile.

"Is she though?" He looks down at his shoes looking past me the puppy in his arms. My smile fades. "V, She is perfect and what am I?"

"You are kind, loving, loyal, sweet, a super good Soccer player, a amazing guy, and one of the best I know." I smile

"Thank you L, you are the best!" He hugs me.

"Yeah yeah yeah. Sure buddy."

"I'm serious if you weren't perfect for Dylan, hell I would like you." He jokes. I jump out of his arms. and pace in circles. "Hey what's up?"

"D-Do you really think we are p-perfect for each other." I ask and finally stop pacing and look into his eyes.

"Everyone can see it you silly puppy." He pets the top of my head. "His eyes sparkle when he looks at you and you can just see the electricity and spark between you two." I whine. "I'm sorry. It must be hard to love your best friend." I nod yes.

He sighs. "I know how you feel Ella. He looks in and I follow his gaze to V. I smile and push the door with my head.

"A little help here?" I say.

"Haha yeah here." He laughs as he pushes the door open.

"There's my girl." Dylan gives me this sly smile that can really make a girls day. At least it makes this girl's day.

"Actually, you can't have her just yet Dylan. I need to talk to her." Vanessa says picking me up and outside. I whine like a dog.

"Hey! I'm sorry I'm taking you away from your boy toy, but this is serious Ella. If I don't ask now I will forget! And this is important." She says.

"Well! 1) He's not my boy toy! And 2) What is it!!" I say annoyed. Really V.

"Did He t-tell you anything like if he liked s-someone." She stutters.

"Oh, Yeah-" I say with a scarcastic voice.


"Hahaha No he didn't. He just told me to be careful." I lie but giggle. Why does she car-OOOOH


"O....M.....G YOU LIKE TRE!"

"Shut up!!!" Vanessa hides her pale face with her red hair.

"Hahah. Well, I think he likes you too." I wink.

"Really?!" She smiles.

"Yeah. Now can I go inside now." I say.

"Fine go to your boy toy."

"He's not my-"

"Nope! Your not changing my mind!" She smiles. She puts me down and opens the door.

I run in and jump on Dylan's lap and he snuggles me in his arm.

"You are so soft." Dylan cuddles me.

"Yeah yeah yeah." I say then yawn.

"Sleepy head." William smiles. And he's right.

"Yeah sleep we will guard you." Sandy laughs.

"Yeah. She has a point. I'm assuming you barely got any sleep." Dylan says I yawn again. He's right too I didn't get much sleep at all last night. And honestly I barely hear this as I drift asleep.