A dance...

"Ella.....I'm sorry." Dylan says. I get up and turn my back to him. "Oh come on L. You can't be that mad at me."

"Dyl. Are you serious..." I say walking toward one of the shelves. I hear him get off the bean bag.

"What did I even do Ella?!" He asks.

"You just got into a fight with Ryan and WIlliam about if this guy loves me or not!" I snap turning to him. "And the thing is I dont know if your right or wrong!" I cry. "I don't know anything..."

"Ella...I...." He starts.

"I don't want to hear it Dylan!" I interupt. I don't want to hear any of it.

"Fine....but words can't express how I feel so...." He walk back to the cash register. I glance over to see him getting out the speaker. What is that guy thinking? That he's going to play music to feel better.

I hear my song play. Get well soon by Gnash featuring Liphemra.

"I'm a assuming we're wounded together forever. I want you to get better. I'll be your bandaid. I'll be your band aid." He sings with the music. I blush. He knows I can't resist music.

"I'm assuming your bruises can mean your into cruising and I don't really do this. But I'll be your band aid. I'll be your band aid." I sing with him and turn to him. He smiles. He walks to me. And holds out a hand.

"Wanna dance My Buggaboo." He smiles.

"Sure." I smile and take his hand. He pulls me close.

"Do you remember? This." He spins me away then bows.

"How could I forget my sister's waltz." I smile bowing.

He smiles and we walk to each other. Left. Right. Left. And then he spins me in his arms. He sways me right then left.

I can do this all day. Just dancing with him makes me feel great. The song ends and We both bow. Then he quickly hugs me. I look inot his beautiful brown eyes.

"Ella.....Plz....Don't leave me....." He says.

"Hey! Why would I ever leave you." I ask. What's troubling him...

"For him..." He looks like he's about to cry.

"Liam! I'm not leavign you for a guy I don't even know where he may be."

"How do I know that!" He snaps in my face. He starts to cry. I wipe his tears.

"Don't you trust me Fluffer."

"Of course Buggaboo, but what if you leave me for him."

"Again I won't. I mean why would I?"

"Because he's probably some hot and sexy Warlock guy. That stole your heart before and can do it again."

"Hey calm down. Yes he's some warlock guy. And maybe he is kind of cute and all but there is no reason I will leave you. I will never leave you..." I say.

"You promise?"

"Of course! How could I leave the guy I love. My best friend. My safe kid. My fluffer. Hell maybe even my soulmate-" I stop myself and blush red.

"Aww Buggaboo did you just admit you love me." He smirks and his arms wrap around me tighter. and places his forehead is against mine. I feel his breath travel to my lips down my chest. I feel electricity going through my body. I watch a he bites his bottom lip.

"Shut up you asshole." I say. I don't know what to do. I just don't pull away. Do I want this....Do I really want him to kiss me! I watch his lips as he watches mine. I feel him get closer leaning in when. -DING-

God who is it. He pulls away but doesn't losens his grip we look at the door. Tre really.

"Oh did I ruin something!"

"No!" We say in unison. He blushes red and so do I. I think it's just puppy lo- Right. I turn back into a puppy.

"Oh good because I just left my jacket." Tre grabs his jacket. He winks at me and leaves.

"Ella it's late. Maybe you should go." Dylan says. I think Human.

"You're right. Come on Taylor!" I yell and she jumps into my arms.

I grab my jacket and smile at him before opening the door. Dylan smiles back with his sparkling eyes. I open the door and he follows me out. I get on my bike and put Taylor in the basket. I start riding.

"See you tomorrow?" He yells kind of running after me.

"Always!" I yell as I ride off.