Almost Caught (Part 1)

I wake up and Dylan is still asleep. His heartbeat is still perfect. I try not to move so he doesn't wake up. Then I hear him yawn and wakes up slowly.

"Ella?" He asks. "You up?"

"Mmn yeah." I yawn. He pulls me tighter.

"You are so warm." He smiles.

I giggle lightly "Keep it down we don't want to wake up your parents."

"Hehe come on Ella. They won't be awake till later." He smiles.

"I don't want to risk it. If your parents walk in and find out you were sleeping with a girl especially ME they'd tell my parents and get the wrong Idea so keep it down Fluffer." I say.

"Bugga they aren't going to find out. Plus you know my parents are heavy sleepers."

"I know but my mom already thinks we are dating."

"And is that a bad thing?" He blushes a bit.

"Well...Ugh stop know my parents would hate me...Especially my dad...They would make me stop seeing you." I say.

"Oh come on Ella. It will be ok.I will keep it down if it makes you feel better." He says.

"Thank you.."

"Can I ask what he gave you this time?"

"It's ok."

"You sure?"

"Yes." I say.

"Ok...well what happened...."

"Another message....And a book...."


"It's everything I need to know as a witch, a werewolf, and as a vampire." I say.

"Ella....Are you ok?"

"Yeah? Why?"

"Just you came in a hurry and I'm worried about you.You seemed so scared. I need to make sure I'm your best friend. And apparently your maybe soulmate." He smiles

"Damn...Y-you remember that still?" I stutter and feel my face get hot as I blush red.

"It was literally yesterday. And whats with the Stuttering Buggaboo? Are you embarrassed?"

"No why would I be!"

"Because you look like a strawberry. And its cute and all. Especially when you stuttering."

"Hey I-"

"HONEY!" His mom yells. She starts knocking on the door.

"Yes Mom?!"

"I need your laundry!"

"It's kind of everywhere! I will make a pile."

"No it's ok Honey, I can do it. Just can I come in?"

"Yeah just give me a second!" He yells."Underneath. Now." He whispers to me. I turn into a dog and hurry under his bed. Underneath his bed are...some papers...Of course the artist in him and I open one of the papers that were folded in half. there ones of me....and our future.....god he's a cutie.....I look around to see what else I will find and I see 2nd copies of yearbooks...but he has all his on the shelf with his books. I open one and he put a heart next to my name. Awww....Dylan.....His shirt it falls onto the floor. Oh my god he's shirtless....I blush red a peak out a bit. I see his shirtless self. Ahhhhh!! I watch as he opens the door.

"Morning Sweetie." She kisses his cheek.

"Morning Mom."

"Did I wake you?"

"Hehe yeah." He smiles.

She walks around collecting clothes. She looks down at the floor. and there is a shirt half out from underneath the bed and some pants under here. I start to freak out.

"Goodness Dylan you need to stop pushing things underneath your bed." She says as she takes the shirt. Ok...She's not going to pick the pants up. That's when she sticks her hand in. Ugh! I move a bit and I notice she's trying to get the pants.

"Mom there is nothing there!"

"I feel something Dylan."

"I'm sure its nothing." He says sounding a bit worried. I push it a bit close so she can grab it.

"See these pants." She says as she grabs theme from underneath the bed.


"You need to stop throwing your clothes everywhere."

"I'm sorry mom." He says as she walks out.

"It's okay dear..." She says as she walks down the hall. He closes the door and lets out a huge sigh and plops onto the bed.

I pop out from underneath. "Care to explain to me why you draw me and hide it under your bed?" I jump onto the bed.

"You saw those?"

"Of course!"
