Lottery Tickets

Ezekiel walked into the middle of the field and decided to open the lottery tickets. He did not know what would happen so he wanted to stay away from the house in case it got destroyed.

It was also very nice with the artificial sun beating against his back and a cool summer breeze drifting through the grass.

"Okay I will open the two Lottery tickets now" Ezekiel said to the system.

"Would you like a visual representation, or just the results of the ticket?" Genesis asked.

Ezekiel thought for a bit then replied "I want a visual representation of the Lottery ticket". If he got to see the other options for the Lottery he would get a better idea of what the system could provide him. And there is the thrill of using a Lottery, but that wasn't important.

As he requested, a visual a wheel appeared before him with different prizes on each division of it. There were at least one hundred different prizes and Ezekiel could not read all of them.

It started spinning and Ezekiel was reading out the possible prizes. There was a [Seven Rupture Fist], [Golden Heart Pill recipe], [Adult Fire Salamander], a [Three Blade Formation], and many others. As he was trying to read the possible prizes he saw one that was plated in gold and looked like the grand prize.

As if there was a gravitational pull his eyes quickly began to follow that piece. He read it and it said [Baby Frost Dragon]. Seeing this Ezekiel knew automatically what he wanted to win the most.

The wheel slowly began to slow down and it ticked past some prizes, and the Golden one was slowly coming up. As it got closer and closer towards the top Ezekiel's excitement levels began to rise in accordance with its position.

The Wheel slowed down almost to a stop and the grand prize was the next in line. The wheel tilted as it was about to pass over towards the Grand Prize, but its momentum stopped leaving Ezekiel with the prize directly before the Grand Prize.

"God Dammit! How dare you play me like this! I was so close!" Ezekiel yelled as he kicked at the grass. He was after all a six year old kid still, so some tantrums were expected, right?

After about two minutes he finally calmed down and sat in a huff. He decided to spin the wheel again, because he was still mad about his previous spin. He did not even check what prize he got the first time.

This time the wheel spun, and got nowhere near the Grand Prize, so Ezekiel was not as mad, but was angry nonetheless over his first spin.

He decided to check what he won, as the was no point worrying over something he doesn't have.

The first prize he got was actually a pill. It was called a [Three Stored Body Pill.]


[Three Stored Body Pill] x 1

Description: Increases the strength of your body by a max of three times after consumption.

Details: -Not usable by anyone over Earth Rank-4.

-Takes a minimum of three hours to Absorb the Energy of the pill.


This was very helpful to Ezekiel, so he did not complain, even though he would have preferred the Baby Frost Dragon.

Genesis said it would take at least three hours to consume the energy from the pill, so Ezekiel decided to eat it later, and checked the other prize he won.

The next prize he got was a beast, he opened the box and inside was an Antelope. Above its head read the words Earth Rank-2, which made Ezekiel very happy.


[Gold-Horned Antelope] x 1

Earth Rank-2

Proficiency: Foraging, speed, Alertness


Genesis explained to him that this was a Gold-Horned Antelope, and although it did not have as much attack power, as other Earth Rank beasts, it was very fast, and could forage well which would help him in his current mission.

The Antelope was also helpful for Ezekiel, so he was now happy with what he got from the Lottery. He did get those almost for free. He let the Antelope graze in the field, and realized he didn't really need any food for the antelope because it would eat the grass in the Monster Farm.

"Why do I need to get them food, when both the chicken, and the Antelope can just eat the grass in the Monster Farm?" He asked Genesis.

"If you feed them ordinary food, they will be ordinary their whole life" Genesis explained.

Ezekiel nodded as he understood, and now decided to check what the Basic Monster Capture Toolkit had in store for him.

Since he was going to go in the forest tomorrow looking for Ingredients for his mission he might as well try and capture a beast if he is out there. The only problem would be that his father would be around him the whole time, so he would have to sneak away.

He decided to leave his plans aside, and think of them tomorrow. He took out the Basic Monster Capture Toolkit and looked at its contents.