Three Stored Body Pill

Sunlight streamed in through the shutters of Ezekiel's window causing him to groan as he turned over to try and block out the sun. He was still tired, after the eventful day he had yesterday, and wanted to sleep in more.

After being unable to go back to sleep Ezekiel finally sighed as he kicked off the blankets and decided to get up for the day. Today he was going to use the Three Stored Body Pill, so he was fairly happy.

He out of bed and got dressed, before leaving to go get breakfast. When he entered the kitchen his mother had already prepared breakfast, and left it on the table. Both his mother, and father had already left for the day.

His father was out chilling with the boys, and his mother was probably gossiping at her friends house or something. Saturday's are the day where a lot of people decide to take the day off. Even the kids, who were normally working also were running around playing.

Ezekiel finished breakfast before he went back into his room and entered the Monster Farm. He was not like the other kids his age who went around to play hide and seek, or kick the can. Normally he would be at the village chiefs house reading books, or listening to his stories.

After entering the Monster Farm Ezekiel asked the system where the best spot to consume the pill would be.

"You should either consume the pill in the basement, or outside on the grass. Nothing bad will happen, its just you will get a little dirty, and I don't want to clean up the mess you make." Genesis replied.

What Ezekiel got from this was that it did not matter where he consumed it, so he decided to do it in the house's living room.

He sat down as he readied himself. He sat in the lotus position, he originally sat down in the Indian-style position (Or the more politically correct Criss-Cross Applesauce) but Genesis told him to sit in the lotus position.

Ezekiel grabbed the pill and placed it into his mouth. The pill instantly evaporated once it touched his tongue and he heard Genesis say "Oh, and by the way, this will hurt a lot. No worries though, as it will leave no lasting damages."

Hearing this Ezekiel's heartbeat sped up, but he knew there was no going back, so he tried to calm himself down again.

He felt the power from the pill enter his body and flow towards his stomach. He was already given instructions on how to consume the energy of the pill by Genesis, so he knew what to do. The energy right now was at his core, and he needed to circulate it around his body.

As he slowly began to circulate the essence from the pill it felt as if fire was slowly crawling around his body. He wanted to scream, but held it in as he circulated the energy diligently.

He knew the longer he could last through the pain, the more benefit he could get from the pill. If he quit already then it would be a waste of the pill, and all the essence from the pill would dissipate and would not benefit him.

As the energy traveled through his body he could hear his bones cracking and reforming over and over again. It was extremely painful, and was the most painful thing he had experienced in his life so far. Tears began to well up into his eyes as he wanted to roar in pain, but his desire for strength kept him going.

Ezekiel had to deal with this pain for a whole four hours before the essence of the pill was fully absorbed. He fell onto the ground gasping for breath as his whole body ached in pain. This was torture for him. The whole time he wanted nothing more than to quit and stop absorbing the pill, but he persevered through it all.

He lied there on the floor for a good hour before he finally felt ready enough to check what progress he made. As he stood up from the ground to stretch he heard his bones cracking and groaning in protest.

He clenched his fist and felt a power he never had before. He felt as if he could crush rocks with his hands, and punch trees in half. Getting giddy with excitement he quickly left the Monster Farm to get a rock before coming back.

He gripped it in his hand and squeezed as hard as he could trying to crush it. However the rock ended up not having even a mark left on it. Ezekiel smiled foolishly, and rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment. Even if Genesis was the only one who saw that he was still embarrassed.

Even though he was not as strong as he though he still smiled as he relished this new feeling of power he had. He slowly began to come down from his power high, and took out the monster encyclopedia.

Ezekiel read until his parent came back home, and they ate dinner and he went off to bed. He was ready to start the mission he had, even though he probably couldn't complete it in one day.