
"Don't look down Neha. Yes look at me. That's it." I said as I led Neha to the upper floor to her room.

The person I had accidentally killed had shit his pants when he died. And I won't even talk about that guy who was called Navin.

So at this moment, the room was filled with a nasty smell. Although I had already gotten used to worse kind of smells, Neha wasn't. Nor was she used to such sights.

So I had decided to take her out of this room so that I won't have to worry about her screaming and crying later on.

The fact that Rahul had not come till now also worried me greatly.

'Why the hell would he take so much time to come? It can't be that he's torturing that soldier till now right. I don't think that's his style. Well, I hope he's alright.'

I led Neha to her room but before I could tell her to enter, she turned around and asked "Brother, did you have a fight with someone just now."

"Something like that." I smiled but I doubt anyone could see my smile beneath that black helmet. So I took it off and rubbed Neha's head gently.

"Don't worry. Big bro will come soon and explain everything to you alright. Till then. Stay here. I've to deal with a few things and will come back after a few minutes."

Saying that I sent her into her room and locked it from the outside.

After that, I went down stairs, where the three boys were lying. I picked up the dead body and threw it to the neighbouring house. After that, I did the same with the other two.

There was a basement in out neighbour's house. I had no idea why he would have a basement in his house. But it was convenient for me in this situation.

Now, it would be used as my torture room.

But for additional safety, I went and closed every window and door in the house. This way their screams won't travel out of the house.

At least I hope it won't. I don't want Neha to hear what's going to happen next.

I slapped the guy named Suraj on the cheeks, but I did so in moderation. If I used too much force and some kind of 'accident' happened and he dies, then I would have one less prisoner to get the information from.

After a few slaps and some water to his face, he finally groggily woke up and when his eyes met mine, he jerked in fear and moved the leg that I'd just crushed.

'Aaah aahh aaaaahh' The pain from a crushed leg was not something he could take and he immediately started screaming. And his screaming were indeed miserable.

'Wow! He's a shrieker.' I thought in my mind.

But I had no doubt in my mind that the crushed leg must have hurt him a lot.

I was even starting to wonder if I would be able to get any information from him. So I took out some painkillers from my bag and stuffed them into his mouth.

At this point, I also remembered the words said by the third guy in the group.

'The world has gone to hell. And only the strong will survive.'

Now that I think about it, he was not wrong. If this guy in front of me was stronger than me, then he would not be in such a pitiful situation.

After a while, Suraj's screams had finally gone down in intensity. Maybe the leg was causing him less pain because of the painkillers.

'Oi! Now that I think about it. If he doesn't feel much pain, then won't my interrogation be a complete failure.' I cursed at how I'd make such a childish mistake before I even the started the interrogation.

'Indeed, there a lot for me to learn.' I thought with a sigh.

After a while, he finally shut his mouth. Though the fear in his eyes, when he looked at me, had not decreased by even a bit.

"Good. You're quiet." I said. "Now we can finally start."

I put the kitchen knife on his cheeks and said "We're going play a game of question and answers. And the rules of the game are pretty simple. Rule number one is…"

"I will tell you. I will tell you everything. Just… please don't kill me." He said and started crying loudly.

'Well… I guess some nuts are easier to crack then others.' Then I looked at the kitchen knife which I'd sharpened with so much efforts and sighed.

'No more use for you today. Perhaps that Navin guy would put up some resistance, but looking at the guy in front of me, I doubt such a thing would happen.'

Tear and snot flew all over the place as he finally started to resemble the 16 young boy that he should have been.

"Good. Then tell me why would sell your own townsmen. Tell me why the army is supplying you with ammunition. Tell me everything. And remember, your two friends are with me as well. After I talk with you, I'll have a talk with them as well. And if your stories don't match." I pointed at his other leg and said "Then I'll break your other leg as well."

"No… please. I'll tell you everything." He cried a bit more and finally peed his pants.

'The fuck! Why are these guys so scared of me. Do I look that ugly or something.'

'A bit.' Lily said.

'Screw you!'

The 'prisoner' then started to give me all the information that I knew.

After I had interrogated him, I went to the guy named Navin who had apparently already gained his consciousness and heard the screams coming from the basement.

When I went to fetch him, he was shivering from head to toe.

When I took him to the basement, he put up a lot of resistance. I looked at his useless resistance in amusement and wondered what he thought of this basement.

'This dark mysterious basement where all kinds of horrible screams resounded from.' I chuckled in my mind when I thought about it that way.

This nut was even easier to crack than the previous one. I didn't even have to show him the knife or threaten him before he spilled all the beans.

The story was pretty simple. After the Black fog, the Severe pain and the Abnormals' attacks, only a few survivors were left.

Two or three days after this, a small detachment of the army had come to scout this place. But they had somehow gotten into a fight against the abnormals and thus, a gunfight had issued.

All the scouts died in the fight. But they did the job of taking most of the abnormals out of the town. The few abnormals that were left were all in the eastern part of the town.

Once most of the Abnormals left, all of the survivors came together to form a small community.

But that all changed when the army came once again. This time, with the ruse of taking in survivors, they collected all the survivors in one place.

But then they showed a completely different attitude and took all the women with them while they beat the men into submission.

They gave guns and ammunitions to the group which had submitted to them before everyone else, and punished the ones who didn't.

The guys who got the guns, thus became the new owners of this town. Their leader was named Raka. He was just a small businessman before the apocalypse but now he had turned into some kind of low level mafia boss.

He took all the women who were left in this town for himself and gave a few to his subordinates.

The rest of the groups could only grit their teeth in vain as Raka's group had a few guns on them.

The military left soon after that, giving Raka the order to take care of this area. And to capture any more beautiful women that was found and send her to their commander.

The guys from the military came every day to check on the situation. This was also a way for them to remind Raka who the real boss was.

Today, Raka's scout had told him about some guy entering the town. He also reported that he saw a girl with him. So in order to capture both the people, he had send these three guys and given them a handgun just in case, to prevent the girl from escaping.

'This is so stupid.' I thought 'Who the fuck is the 'Commander' guy. Does he not have a conscience. As for this Raka guy. I'll deal with him sooner or later. How dare he put his eyes on my sister.'

I tied both of the prisoners together and left them in the basement after I broke one of their leg each. When big bro came, I'll have him deal with this thing.

'Why don't you just kill them yourself?' Lily asked.

'Well… I feel a bit weird in… killing them. Although interrogating them was not hard. Killing them, just like that, is not something that I can do.' I sighed in my mind.

I went back to the house and found that Neha was talking with someone in her room. I became vigilant at once, but then I dropped my guard when I realized who that voice belonged to.

I jumped up and went to her room where she was talking with big bro.

I looked at him and asked "Why did you take so long to come back?"

He looked at me with a smile and said "I found a lot of dead abnormals on the roadside when I was coming here. I realized that no one had picked up their crystals so I started collecting them one by one. Thus it took me some time to come back."

"Is that so. Then… how many crystals did you get?" I asked.

"200 or so." He said "But most of them are a bit damaged. Because of bullets and explosions. Don't expect too much from it."

"But… We should be able to buy the Spatial ring now right…" I said with excitement but my excitement died down a little when I saw him shaking his head.

"Change of plans. We need to raise Neha's stats before that. And buy a defensive suit for her as well. Spatial ring is a luxury that we can't afford right now."

"What do you mean by stats?" Neha asked from behind him. "And if by defensive suit, you mean the weird thing that you both are wearing, then I don't want them. They're so… weird."

Rahul and me looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

'Hah! We've really spoiled her. Now we need to face the consequences.'

Rahul looked at us and said "That's all for later on. But first… we need to go to some other building. This house is not safe anymore."

'He must have noticed the blood and something else when he came here. Otherwise he would not say such a thing.' I thought 'Big bro is big bro alright. He came to such a swift decision with such a few clues.'

"Is it because of the fight earlier." Neha asked. "Are more of those guys going to come here?"

"Yeah. Something like that." I smiled. I also understood that since this group did not return, the guy named Raka might come here himself the next time.

And since he and his subordinates might have guns on them, fighting them in the broad daylight was definitely not an exciting proposition.

And since Neha was here, I could definitely not let such a thing happen. I did not want to put her life in danger.

So, we had to hide until night fell.

As for what happens after that.

'Huhuhuhu.' I let out an evil laughter as I thought about the bloodbath that would happen tonight.


Raka studied the blood stains in the house with a grave look. A few of his men were searching around in the house but he knew that the girl was not here anymore.

He had not come to such a conclusion based on the clues in the house. In fact, he did not know how to read such clues. But he had his intuition and it was telling him that the girl had long since left this house. Along with whoever that boy in the black was.

When the three boys he'd sent to capture the girl had not come back for an hour, he had already guessed that something had gone wrong.

His first guess was that those three fuckers had run away after capturing the girl. But when he came in here, he knew that his earlier assumptions were wrong.

Those three boys. They had not run away. He did not know where to they were. Maybe their bodies were lying at the corner of some alley at this moment.

But that was not his greatest concern.

He went to the back door of the house and studied the blood on the ground.

He knew that this blood must have belonged to one of the boys that he had sent here.

Raka did not know if the boy was killed here or captured by the boy in black, but, as said earlier, that was not his greatest concern.

His greatest concern was the Boy in Black who had easily killed or captured three people in such an easy manner. Not to mention that one of those people had gun as well.

He knew about the gun because he himself had given the gun to that boy before he sent him here to capture the girl.

But, just like the three boys, that gun was missing as well.

"Raka. We searched every where in the house. That girl and the boy are no where to be found."

Raka looked at that man with a frown. This was a former colleague of this. A business partner of sort.

After the Judgement day, they had both survived a numerous occasions because of each other's help. Now their bond was as close as that of real brothers.

He was also the one who suggested that they should submit to the army before anyone else and had then helped him become the boss of this town.


Raka hit his head lightly and said "Vivek, you fool. Why are you calling me by my name. If you start doing it, then what will be the impact on the other guys. Don't you think that they'll soon start to question our authority."

Vivek held his head and smiled "It was my mistake. I understand Boss." He shouted the last words so that every one of their subordinates can hear his voice.

Raka smiled faintly at this.

After he had become a boss, things had changed. He now had a taste for power. And he wanted more of it.

Even if this close friend of his were to stand in his path, he would destroy him without thinking for a second moment.


Raka looked around the house, feeling a bit uncomfortable. He knew why he was feeling so nervous all of a sudden.

The boy in black had a gun now. And he would make likely try to take revenge in some way. Raka knew that.

And also knew that his stupid and lustful subordinates would not be able to protect him in case the fighting gets serious.

In fact, he feared that his subordinates would be the first ones to run away if a gun fight were to take place in the town.

They were only useful at suppressing the weak. He could definitely not depend on them to protect his life.

The thought of getting out of the town came to him time and time again. But he did not wanted to leave this town.

If he left, even for a short amount of time, then someone else will become the boss and take his authority.

Although he could trust Vivek who was like a brother to him, but who knew how he would change after he gets a taste for power.

But he did not wanted to die either.

He was in a dilemma when he suddenly noticed the blood stains on the wall on the right side.