Terror of Mutant Birds

'Shit shit shit shit. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. Shit shit shit…' I cursed in my mind in a rhythm as I quickly climbed down the tower that was once a safe haven against the mutant beasts.

But the only thing I wanted to do at the moment was to get away from it as far as I could.

'I hope they didn't see me.' I hoped but I knew that they had. They had seen me standing on top of the tower. They were watching me as I climbed down the tower. And they would watch me as I tried to run and hide in a safe place until they come close and…

In my haste to climb down the tower, my hand missed the steel beam and I fell a few feet before I finally latched onto another steel beam and then continued to climb down even faster.

I could see the black thing shrouding the horizon in darkness from my peripheral vision and knew that it was moving faster then I had guessed.

'Calm yourself Ashok. You are panicking too much and it won't solve anything.' Lily's words rang in my mind but I was too terrified to make any sense of them.

'They have seen me.' I said as I watched it take over even more of the horizon.

Of course they have seen me. How could they miss the tender and juicy Ashok Singh Rana standing foolishly on top of the mobile signal tower like that.

I must have looked like a tender piece of chicken provided to them on a silver platter.

And staying on top of the tower had seemed like such a good idea at that time too. God, what was I thinking.

A long string of curses later, I finally reached the bottom of the tower.

'Any suggestion Lily. I'm kinda freaking out here. What should I do? I don't think running wildly in the forest will do any good.'

'Run to the village.' She said.

'What?' I asked incredulously, not really believing the words I had just heard

'Just do it. Maybe they'll eat the Mutant beasts and forget about you.'

'Or maybe they don't eat mutant beasts and then I would be chased by both parties.'

'It's not like you have choice. Just do as I say or you'll be killed because of your indecision.' She practically shouted the last few words which did the job of forcing me to take actions.

I ran toward the place which I had been actively trying to avoid for some time.

'If I find the old fart right now then I'll kill him myself.' I shouted in my mind as I looked at the darkness which had covered one third of the sky behind me.

'It's not like you have anything to lose.' Lily said as I came out of the forest and entered the village ground ready to face the worst kind of situation. But maybe I won't die in the hands of the mutant beasts after all.

As all of them were cowering in fear at the moment.

The braver and stronger ones who were able to control their fear had already chosen to scatter in the forest. But personally, I doubted that would do them any good.

I looked at the cowering mutant beasts and thought that if it any other time, then I would use it to harvest as many cores as I could.

But at the moment, my own life was hanging by a thread so I didn't gave them a second glance before moving on in search for a suitable hiding place.

'That blue building on the right.' Lily said and I had jumped inside that house before even looking at it carefully.

As I broke through the door and entered the house, I realized that it was a two storey old stone constructed house which had stone slates on top of the roof as well.

'Not enough.' I thought and searched around the house for any possible hiding places.

The sky had almost gone dark by the time I found a hidden basement door.

'Get inside. Quick.' Lily shouted.

'You don't need to tell me.' I shouted back and jumped inside as the loud noise made by them almost threatened to split my head.

I had barely closed the basement door before I heard the violent and miserable screams of poor mutant beasts who had remained behind in the village.

But it's not like the ones who ran away would have lived either.

I put my ears to the door and listened as the house I was inside was torn apart brick by brick and hoped that they would not find the basement door.

'Big bro said that mutant birds travel in groups that range from thousands to tens of thousands.' I murmured to myself as I heard the carnage going in the village from inside the hiding place.

'Well, it seems like he was wrong this time. Wasn't he.' Lily said sarcastically.

'He also said that the mutant birds are not all that dangerous.' I murmured to myself.

'Oh! Those birds seemed docile to you did they.' Lily quipped but I ignored her as I tried to make sense of the situation myself.

'I… I don't think he lied to me.' I said slowly. 'Maybe the dimension or world he came from had less scary mutant birds.'

'Why make these conjunctures. It's not like we'll ever know.' Lily said with a sigh and I realized that the noise made by the millions of bird was getting lesser and lesser.

'No… but still. Now we know that mutant birds should never be underestimated.'

'Huh. As if you would ever do that after seeing that swarm of birds.' She said.

Yes. That was what it was. Not a group, but a swarm. I wondered if I would see anything standing on the village by the time I get back up there.


I pushed the door open with a kick, or at least I tried until I realized that the door won't budge at all.

Well now. That's just perfect.

'Maybe the door's just jammed.' Lily offered but who was she kidding. We had both heard the house breaking apart halfway through the attack.

Finding a hidden basement during the attack was a piece of fortune.

Getting locked inside it after the danger was averted was a piece of misfortune. And a rather big one at that.

'Should I blow it apart with the grenades I have.'

'And bring the whole house down upon you. I think not.'

'Well.' I sat down on the dusty floor and took out a piece chocolate from the spatial ring 'I don't think anyone is going to save me from the outside'. We waited in silence till I finally finished the chocolate after which I finally sighed.

'Looks like we're going to have to do this the hard way.' I said and took out my sword before cutting through the wall in the basement.