
"My name is Upma." The girl said with a smile and then pointed to the boy. "And his name is Jasvinder."

"Hello both of you. It's nice to meet you." I said the pleasantries, far the lack of anything better to say.

The girl smiled cheerfully in a gentle manner while the boy merely grunted and maintained his guarded posture.

"Please don't mind Jas. He's not a very talkative person." Upma said while nudging Jasvinder and communicating with him through her eyes.

They both stayed silent for a while and I watched in amusement as Jasvinder's expression changed from nonchalance to defiance after which he became worried then hurt and finally sighed in defeat.

"Nice to meet you too…" he said in the same tone he would say 'Go fuck yourself.' And I wondered what the girl named Upma told him through her expression that led to the boy to behave.

I also knew that this was the best I was going to get from the boy so I sighed in defeat and wondered how long these two had been together to be able to understand each other so thoroughly.

'You don't need to be envious of them you know.' Lily said with a giggle.

'Well, it's not something I can help you know.' I said and was about argue even more but then decided against it.

I had a feeling that Lily wanted to say something more as well but then she grew quiet which was rather strange for her.

It was then that Upma's stomach growled in protest and her face grew red with embarrassment.

I looked at Jasvinder saw a warm smile come across his face before it turned turned back to his usual scowl.

"When was the last time you ate something?" I asked Jasvinder. I knew that it would be easier to talk to Upma but I also knew that Jasvinder would not take it very well if I talked with his girl and not him.

He looked at my face with a impassive look for a long moment before saying "That's none of your business. We can search for our own food. You don't need to worry about it."

And he got a light punch in the shoulder for that. He scowled at Upma who ignored his expression in return.

"Thank you for asking. But please don't worry about us. We can take care of ourselves."

I gave them a long scrutinizing look before I finally coincided and took out three packets of instant noddles for them.

"Here. I'll clear the surrounding while you cook these. Just in case…" I said and Upma nodded before thanking me politely once again.


After clearing the surrounding of any abnormals, I bought two 1st tier basic sword and merged them to create a 2nd tier basic sword.

I opened the door and caught the aroma of the noodles being cooked somewhere in the house.

I followed the scent and found Upma working in the kitchen. Jasvinder was sitting in a chair beside her and was staring at him with a neutral expression until his gaze fell on me and his expression changed to that of a scowl.

"Here." I said and threw the 2nd tier sword at him which he caught easily and then gazed at me questioningly.

"It's for you." I said and his face crunched up even more.

"What made you think I need your charity?" he questioned back and my smile faltered a bit.

I wanted to say something but Upma beat me to it when she shouted "Jas" in a stern manner with a fierce gaze and I had the pleasure of watching Jasvinder wilt under her gaze.

"Sorry." He finally said in a low voice.

It's alright. I said took off the helmet after which I sat down on a chair as well. Waiting in anticipation for the noodles to be ready.

It had been a few days since I last ate something homemade. Although Noodles didn't completely came in the category of something homemade, they were still far better than the dry rations I had been eating these days.

Time went by and no one spoke until the noodles were cooked and served.

After finishing the food, I finally asked what had been going through my mind.

"What are you guys going to do next?" I asked and watched as both of their hands stilled at once.

After a long while Jasvinder said "That's none of your business."

I wanted to say something but found that in a sense, it was really not my place to interfere in their lives.

They were not my family. And trying to protect them would only be a trouble for me. The best thing to do under such a circumstance would to go our separate ways.

But… Could I really let these kids walk away knowing how dangerous the world is. Knowing that they might die soon after I left.

'I could. I am capable of doing such a thing. I've left people behind before. And some of them were kids as well. I can do it again.'

But for some strange reason, I felt that I should protect these guys.

Then again… it's not like these guys trust me either.

I stared at Jasvinder who stared back at me with a challenging gaze and a hand on the hilt of the sword(the one I just gave him).

Upma didn't say anything and at last I finally moved my gaze away with a sigh.

I stood up and put on the helmet before looking at both of them.

"Thanks for the food and… Take care."

Then I opened the door and left.