Tens of thousands of Abnormals

'Gaurav has already reached Big Bro.' I mumbled in my mind as I looked at the field covered with tens of thousands of abnormals moving in a single direction.

'That he has.' Lily replied after a moment in a normal tone which increased my irritation for no particular reason. After a long and irritating moment, I finally sighed and shook my head in defeat.

'This whole mission to retrieve him becomes rather pointless if he goes back to my big bro on his own you know. And he did it without me even knowing about it.'

'Maybe.' She replied nonchalantly which made the veins in my forehead throb once more. But I controlled my anger and took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

'Not much point in thinking about what has happened.' I said more to myself than Lily. 'But what the hell is up with these abnormals. It's almost as if they're refugees mass migrating to some other place. They're giving me the creeps.'

'Or an army.'

'Or a what???'

'Or an army.' Lily explained. 'They may not be an organized bunch but they would make a formidable army. Don't you think?'

'Yeah there's that too.' I replied, my words losing all the sarcasm from it.

A long silence followed that after which I asked. 'Do you have any idea who is controlling them?'

'They are just going in a particular direction. Doesn't necessarily mean that someone is controlling them.' Lily said, sounding not too sure herself.

'Forcing so many abnormals to move in a particular direction is all the control a person would ever need. He/she could just point these abnormals to go in the direction of a human settlement and you can be sure that all the humans in that settlement won't survive the day.' I said as used the advanced vision to once again search the whole horde as closely as I could.

But just like the past forty minutes, I was not able to find anything or anyone that stood out.

Except for the occasional 3rd tier tall abnormals of course. Those giants would stand out no matter what they did. And there were quite a few of them in this horde.

'Rahul told you not to worry about them.' Lily supplied as she tried to be helpful. As always. But watching the tens of thousands abnormals moving as one freaked me out more than I would care to admit.

After a long moment, I finally unclenched my fists and turned around and went back to the house in which Jasvinder and Upma were resting.


"You're late. Did you met a particularly beautiful abnormal while scouting the area." Jasvinder said in his indifferent voice as soon as I entered the house.

I looked at his expressionless face and wondered if he is pissed or is just being sarcastic. Knowing him, it's probably both. But oh well. It's not like you see tens of thousands of mindless killing meat bags walking in a particular direction every single day.

"Don't be rude Jass." Upma rebuked gently as she came out of the room (what were they doing in the room anyway. I mean, they're just about eleven years old.)

"And stop thinking rude thoughts about us Ashok. We were just resting in the room." She said as she looked at me while a gentle smiled and I chuckled awkwardly at her intuitiveness. Gods this girl can be scary.

"I'm sure Ashok has a perfect reason for being so long out there." Upma said as she looked at me and my expression turned grim at her words.

I explained the whole tens-of-thousands-of-abnormals-walking-in-a-particular-direction-thing to them and they both listened far more calmly then I had expected.

After I finished ranting Jasvinder kept looking at my direction with his usual stoic expression and Lily just nodded and said 'I see.'

Their lack of reaction worried me a bit. Was I the only one who is overreacting to this. I mean, if someone can control tens of thousands of abnormals then we need to be worried right. Or is there something that I am missing.

"Are you not worried about them?" I asked after they did not give any other reaction to my story.

"Are they coming in this direction?" Jasvinder finally asked.

"No." I replied.

"Do you want to go out and fight them?"

"No… Of course not."

"Then what are you so worried about." He said in a tone which implied that even a 2 year old should understand such a basic thing. All the while he gave me a look which one gave to a shit lying on the side of a road.

I wondered why I suddenly had the urge to beat the shit out of him.

"Don't be so mean to him Jass." Upma chided him once again after which she looked at me and continued "When we first saw a horde walking around like this we were terrified. Compared to us, you're taking this far more calmly. But don't worry. That horde is not a danger to us."

"You sure." I asked sceptically.

"Yes." She said and didn't speak anymore. I wanted to ask why she was so sure about it but then I shook my head and went to fill the recently boiled water in the spatial ring before we moved out of the house.

After waiting for half an hour, the last of the abnormals continued which finally cleared the way for us. But before I could start moving Jasvinder held my hand and gave me that look which made you feel like the lowest scum of earth and made you wonder what kind of mistake you made to get that look.

"Wait five more minutes." Upma said from beside him and I nodded and looked ahead.

Nothing happened for the next two minutes. And just as I was starting to wonder what we were waiting for, I saw them and understood.

Thousands of mutant beasts of all kinds ranging from mutant rabbits to mutant Buffalo followed behind the abnormals. I was a bit stunned by this when I saw a few mutant beasts coming out of the forest and joining the mutant beast procession.

We watched in silence as the mutant beasts finally left our sight as well and I finally let go of the breath I didn't know I was holding.

"That abnormal horde won't last long." Upma said while shaking her head as both her and Jasvinder stood up and left the hiding spot. "It's safe for us to leave now." She said as she looked at me and I didn't ask how she knew that anymore.