
"There. I gave you a tour of the whole camp. Don't let your brother bother me about it anymore." He said and started to leave before he stopped and turned to look at me once more "By the way. Your sister lives in that room." He said as he pointed at the top floor of a house "You can meet her when she comes down for breakfast." With that, he left.

I looked around and realized that I knew none of the faces around here. Not that there were many faces to recognize. It was still early in the morning and I guessed that most people must be sleeping at this point in time.

'That was informational.' Lily said as I looked around at the camp searching for anyone I could relate to.

'Yes. He almost seemed like a normal old man and not some Ex-James Bond. I can almost forget that he pointed a gun at us at our first meeting.' I said as I started moving toward the highest building in the area.

Lily chuckled at my words and asked. 'So. What do you plan to do now?'

'I have no concrete plan as of yet.' I said as I reached the building and found that the entrance was guarded by two guards. They wore the same armour I saw yesterday and had steel rods in their hands.

'Well, at least they look professional.' Lily commented as I looked at the two with a stoic face which they tried to return with a glare of their own. Until they started feel uncomfortable under my gaze and started to squirm under my gaze.

Just looking at the way they carried themselves made me realize that they were greenhorns who had probably not killed even a dozen abnormals. Or mutant beasts.

I on the other had been bathed in their blood time and time again. I even had my resolve checked against two Mutant trees. So it was only normal that my gaze and presence held far more pressure than these two.

After a while one of them finally broke under my gaze and moved aside. The other one held on for a few more seconds before he looked down but he didn't move.

Instead he looked at me and asked with a trembling voice "What… what do you want here?"

"Is my brother in his office?" I asked with a stoic expression.

"Br… Brother?" he asked.

"Rahul Singh Rana. Your leader. Is he up there." I asked with a bit of irritation seeping into my tone.

"Ye… Yes. He's up there." He said.

"Good." I said and started to move but he once again came forward to intercept me but a glare from me stopped him from any such notions.

It was understandable. I was a new face around here and many people did not knew I was their leader's brother so I'll just be treated like a new recruit until I made a name for myself.

I banished such thoughts as I climbed up the stairs and reached the top floor when I heard familiar voices.

It was the confident voice of my brother. This stoic voice of Jasvinder and the gentle voice of Upma.

I reached the top floor and realized that they were talking about the scouts and captions. Jasvinder did not seemed too pleased with whatever they were talking about because his was speaking a bit slower than usual. And more softly too. Upma was trying to calm him down while Ashok was trying to make some kind of bargain with them.

I stood outside and after listening to their words for a while, I understood what all this was about.

Jasvinder wanted to hunt alone and at his leisure. But Ashok wanted him and Upma to be the captain of 2 twenty-man teams.

The whole drama ended when Upma persuaded Jasvinder to lead a ten-man team on alternative days. A deal was struck and they left soon after. But not before Jasvinder glared at me and Upma smiled at me on their way out.

"You gonna make me the leader of some team too?" I said as I entered the room in a leisurely manner and sat on a chair in front of the table.

"You want to lead a team?" he asked with a bit of surprise.

"Gods no. I'm just asking." I asked as I shook my head eagerly so as to dissuade him of any such notion.

Leading a team of inexperienced people would be a terrible experience. Especially for Jasvinder who only looks eleven years old. Half of the people his team won't respect him and the other half would try to take his position by force. I pity him. Truly. Even though he deserved it.

"I see… Not like I would have given you one anyway." He said.

"And why's that." I asked.

"Because you've never lead a team before. And you don't have the necessary experience for it."

"That makes sense." I said and smiled. "Does this mean I am free to do as I like?"

"No. Just because you don't have a lot of experience in leading people doesn't change the fact that you're one of the most capable people in this camp. Or the fact that you are the fact that you have the second highest stat. Or that you're a prodigy with a sword and other weapons."

"Prodigy with a sword?" I asked as I raised my eyebrows. Where did those words come from.

"Do you think that any other person would be capable of slicing the head of abnormals with just a wooden axe as easily as you did. Or the fact that you were capable of killing dozens of abnormals by the end of the week with a sword." He asked as he looked at me with a slightly amused expression as he stood up from his chair and walked around the table to stand in front of the window.

"Do you know that there are still people in this camp who are so bad with a sword that I would not allow them touch a real sword with a ten foot pole in fear they might cut themselves or worse someone else with it." He said as he peered at the training area down below.

"I… did not know that." I said as I remembered back when this whole Apocalypse fiasco first started. Back then, the only role model I had was Rahul, who would cut Abnormals and Mutant beasts to pieces without much difficulty.

The only other people whom I've seen using a sword were Jasvinder and Upma who was pretty good at it despite being so young.

So I had automatically assumed that my being a swordsman who was a bit inferior to them was good enough for me as long as I don't get killed.

But now that I think about it.

Those people who were swinging the wooden swords at the dummies back in the training area looked rather clumsy. But I just thought that it was because they had not consumed enough crystals and they'll become good at it when they do.

But will they really? A part of me already knew that such was not the case now that I thought about it.

But does that truly means.

That I'm a prodigy?