To beat a man so thoroughly...

Before he could choke to death I brought his face close to mine and spoke softly "Don't point your gun at my face next time. I don't like it." Then I released my grip and watched him fall weakly to the ground and go into a coughing fit while he tried to breath in as much air as his lungs could support all the while he shivered from fear at what just happened.

'That should teach him.' I thought and pushed the gate but realized that it was locked.

Irritated by the gate, I kicked at it and instead of the lock, the whole gate fell apart instead.

You know you have done a shitty job in creating a gate when a single lock is able to take more strain than the whole fucking gate.

I cursed in my mind at the commotion it would make. I can already hear them gossiping.

Brother of the leader. Violent for no reason. Breaks property of the camp. Emotionally unstable.

I can already see the hateful glares that are going to be sent my way for this whole incident. Damn it.

And I just wanted to go out for a bit.

I looked back at the guard and was horrified when I found him pointing the rifle at me and saw him smirk hatefully at me for a fraction of a second before he start firing at me.


Now that I think about it in retrospect. It all made sense.

He was a person who joined the camp only three days ago. So he did not know who I was.

When he saw me, he just saw a new guy in the camp who did not knew the rules and wanted to lord over others for some reason.

He did not know I was the Leader's brother and had special privileges.

Did not know that if I talked with Rahul, he would give me a pass to go in and out of the camp at any time I wanted to do so.

So he pointed a gun at me. Which was a reasonable thing to do in this apocalypse (even though I don't like it). When you see a new guy and don't know how powerful he is or if you'll be able to deal with him or not, you point a gun at him. Or a rifle.

That always works as an intimidation tactic.

Doesn't it?

He must have felt pretty confident when the pointed that gun at me.

Until I chocked the shit out of him.

In retrospect. It also made sense that when someone tries to choke a guard just because he's doing his job, then the guard will either get really terrified or really angry.

This guy was both terrified and angry.

And I had made the mistake of throwing the rifle not far away from him (remember to never make the same mistake again.)

My precognition ability to sense danger and the inhumane reflexes I had gained from fighting numerous enemies over the past few weeks were the only reason the bullets passed a few inches from my skull and not through it.

In retrospect, it also makes sense that when someone tries to kill you (even though it's a perfectly reasonable thing to do so), you get angry.

I was not not angry.

I was furious.

I had survived for such a long time against such difficult odds. And a bullet from no-name guy (I still don't know his name) almost did me in.

At that moment, when the bullets almost grazed my forehead, I was not thinking about my own damn self. I was thinking about how I should have spent some more time with Neha. My little sweet sister. And how I'll not be able to protect him anymore.

And then he continued to shoot at me.

And he did not miss all of them.

That was when I saw red.

When I came out of my rage, the guard was but a mere paste on the ground.

I did not knew I had the ability to do such a thing. To beat a living a human being so thoroughly that nothing but a red smear of him remains on the ground.

And now that I knew, I was not proud of it.

Rifle shots are loud. Louder than you can think. They attract attention. Which is good most of the time since it sow more chaos in the enemy lines and allows your alley to know that shit that gotten real.

This time, it brought unwanted attention.

I looked up and found them at staring at me and the the ex-human on the ground.

I did not like the looks in their faces as they looked at me.

And then more guns were pointed at me and I liked that even less.

But the sight that hurt me the most was the look I saw in Sera's eyes when she looked at me.

During the fight I had taken momentarily cover behind a rock before I pulled out my helmet from inside the spatial ring and wore it. So she did not who I was.

I did not know what she saw when she looked at the scene but whatever she saw terrified her.

Just like it did to the other women and even some of the men.

I did not like the look in her face as she looked at me. I didn't not like it one bit.

To be looked at like that by someone whom you know. By someone who ones cried on your shoulders. By someone who played with you as a child.

It broke something in my heart. It changed me in some way that I did not know.

'I'm not a monster.' I wanted to say. 'You don't need to be afraid of me. I won't hurt you.'

I wanted to explain myself. To say that I'm sorry.

The guns were pointed at me. Being delayed by the indecision in people to fire at a fellow camp member or not.

So I turned and ran.

And the firing started.