New Skill

"You sure I've not been duped?" I asked once again as I looked at the useless skill in my Skill Slot. "I mean you told me that this skill will not be very useful at first but isn't this a bit too useless."

"No brother that skill is not useless." Rahul's voice came through the radio and sounded a bit tired for some reason. "It just… needs to be upgraded a few times before it could be…"

I threw the Walkie talkie inside the spatial ring before I'm forced to listen to the same excuse for the nth number of time.

I looked at the skill in the Skill slot and sighed with a heavy feeling of defeat in my heart.

'I should have bought the 'Tracker' skill when Neha told me about it. It was expensive as hell but it sounded useful as well. Wait, did I just made a rhyme out of it. I'm so cool.'

'Making a lame rhyme by mistake doesn't make you cool.' Lily said in my mind.

'Yes it does.' I said when she started to say something I filled my mind with 'Lalalalalalalala…'

'That's real mature of you.' She said after I finished with me Lalala…

I just shrugged back and used the new skill I had bought into the tree in front of me.

A single line appeared in front of me as I felt 0.2 mana drain away from my body.


I felt my eye twitch as I cursed the 'Appraisal' Skill Book for the nth number of time in my mind.

'Maybe I'm not doing it right. Maybe there's some other way of using it. Some smarter way.'

I looked up at the sky and raised both my hands to the limit and made a circle out of fingers and said in the coolest tone I can manage.


0.2 mana was drained out of my body and a single line appeared in the screen in front of me.

'Sky.' I felt my eye twitch even more heavily.

'Maybe I need to point at a large number of things to get a better result.' I thought and climbed the tree before pointing at the trees in the far distance and said in the coolest heroic tone I can manage "Appraise."

0.2 mana drain and a single word.


Eye twitch.

'Maybe I need to get closer for this work.'

0.2 mana drain. A single word.


I felt the irritation rise to a new level before I finally let out a sigh of defeat and sat down in a depressed mood.

'Maybe this is Big bro's way of getting back at me for when I did not eat my vegetables as a child.' I thought as I fell to the ground face first and tried to crawl on the forest floor with just the help of my legs.

Crawling Penguin Style.


I think I'm losing my mind here.

I pointed at myself and used the skill and a word came in front of me.


Yep. Crawling Penguin Style.


"The skill will start to show some use when it reaches 3rd tier. And it'll start to show it's real value from 5th tier and onward." Rahul said and I stifled a sigh.

Only on of my skill has reached 3rd tier so far.

And I know that this skill will take even longer to reach 3rd tier. Not to mention 5th tier.

To upgrade it from 1st to 2nd tier will take 100 uses.

2nd to 3rd tier will take 200 uses.

3rd to 4th tier will take 400 uses.

4th to 5th tier will take 800 uses.

In total, I will have to use this skill 1500 times to take it to 5th tier.

This is definitely take two to three months to upgrade.

Possibly more if I bought some other skill which makes the use of mana.

"I just hope that the investment will be worth the effort." I said and went back to sit on top of the tree.

From there I could see 11 people who had come with Rahul for this mission.

Among the 11 people I only four.

Gaurav, Jasvinder, Upma and Raka. The rest were either new or not nearly impressive enough.

Neha had not come on this mission. She was more of a tracking and sensory type rather than a fighting type. She had a auxiliary role in the team. Rahul had really emphasized on this because the fighting type had a higher chance of dying then their counter part.

I don't know know how I feel about that. He cannot protect her forever. No one can protect someone forever. Especially in this new apocalyptic world.

Like how he is not protecting her now.

What if a herd of mutant beast or a horde of abnormal attack the base right now.

She needs to become strong in her own right.

'I'll teach her how to fight from tomorrow onward.' I thought as I saw the 12 people down below as they talked in hushed whispers and ate high calorie food like chocolate.

They well well hidden in this area from any prying eyes because of the dense forest around us. But I could still see them well enough due to the full moon.

None of them, except for Rahul and Gaurav know I'm here as well.

I don't mind telling Jasvinder and Upma about myself but I don't trust the rest of them.

For all I know, one of these guys could be the best friend of the guard I killed this morning.

It's better if they don't know my identity.

And since all of them are wearing the same basic defensive suit like mine, they won't notice I've joined their team when the mission starts.

Or so I had hoped. Maybe someone will notice the new addition in their group. But they won't know it's me.

If I go out there and tell them who I am right now (the guy who turned a guard into a red smear because of some misunderstanding), this mission could very well end well before it even started.

My sensitive ears picked up the sound of footsteps and I turned and found two people, a man and a woman, coming out of the bushes. They were wearing a different kind of suit than mine. From one glance, I could tell that their suit was more focused on stealth than defense.

In the group down below only Rahul and Jasvinder had a change of posture.

Even the highly experience Gaurav was not able to pick up their footsteps.

Rahul was able to do so because of his high 8.0 Perception. Like mine.

Jasvinder was able to do so was because… well, because he was Jasvinder. He was a sixth sense for such things.

I saw the two people emerge from the bushes and noticed how everyone else instantly went on guard before they loosened up.

The two were scouts whom Rahul had sent to infiltrate the town crawling with Abnormals.

And now that they were here with the necessary intel. Rahul would make a plan. And we could start.