Small talk with Jasvinder

After that, I went to a secluded place and wore the Defensive Suit.

'Ahh! That does the job. Soo… comfortable.' I thought as I enjoyed the warm and comfortable feeling of wearing a defensive suit.

It really goes to show how advanced the people who created these defensive suit were, since a suit made for fighting was much more comfortable than the clothes I used to wear on a daily basis.

I packed the clothes and kept them inside the spatial ring.

I took out my sword and realized that it had already been repaired.

'Well. It seems like I can start immediately.' I thought and started to move toward the forest when I heard the sound of someone crying.

Curious, I went to the source and found… Sera crying over what looked like a hastily made cross.

'She's crying over her boyfriend isn't she?'

'She is.' Lily said and I had to stop myself from laughing.

'3 people. 3 people out of 150 died. That 1 in 50 people. And one of them had to be her boyfriend. She's really unlucky. Isn't she.'

'You should not laugh over other's plight Ashok.' Lily reprimanded to which I only chuckled.

'What can I say. I'm a petty person. A really petty person.' I smiled and left.

I had no desire to get involved with any girl for the moment. Specially not someone weak who cannot support herself.

If I ever get into a relationship then it would be with someone who should be at least as strong as me.

'Now then, I could go in the forest and hunt blindly like I did last time. Or I could talk to Jasvinder, and ask him to teach me the basics hunting.'

Learning from him will be a smarter choice in the long term.

He had far more experience in hunting in the wild than any other person I've ever seen.

'If I could learn even a little bit of his skills then it will be far more beneficial for me in the future.'

With that in mind, I changed my direction and went in the direction of the building I had come from instead.


When I came back, he was still sleeping in the same position in which I had last seen him.

I was about to knock on the door when he suddenly opened his eyes and looked at me.

'He had better instincts than anyone I've ever seen. Even Big bro.' I thought and refrained from knocking.

I kept staring at him for few moments and he got the message.

He slowly pried off his hands from his girlfriend's grasp and came out of the door and closed it off slowly in fear of waking her up.

"What is it you want Ashok?" he asked in his cold voice and I could see that his eyes were a bit red. From anger or from sadness, I had no idea.

"How is she?" I asked in as gentle a voice as I could muster.

"Get to the point Ashok. Why are you here?" he asked and I could that he was not in the best of moods right now.

"Why do you think I'm here for something? Maybe I just came here to ask about her health." I said in cordial manner.

He simply stared back at me and after a few seconds I sighed and said "I'm here to ask you to join me in a hunt."

After a long silence he said "No." and turned back. But I had already anticipated this.

So I rushed after him and punched at him with half of my strength.

To his credit, he sensed the danger and quickly turned around and blocked the punch with his hands.

But still. I was faster, stronger and larger than him.

So despite blocking my attack in time, he was blown away with the mere force of my punch and slid down on the ground for a good ten meters after which he stumbled back and rolled around a few times before he stood up to face me.

Just that this time, his expression was even colder than mine.

"What is the meaning of this?" he asked.

"The meaning is pretty clear." I said and rushed toward him. The next second, I was in front of him and we exchanged a few blows after which I broke his guard and kicked him out of the building.

He crashed through the windows and landed on the ground with a loud thud after which he coughed up blood but stood up to face me regardless.

"You're weak." I said as I stepped out of the window he had broken out of. I could already see some people gathering around us but I ignored them and continued toward him.

"And you're slow." I stopped in front of him and he stared hatefully at me.

"No wonder Upma got hurt like that." I said with a smile. I knew that it was a cheap blow but I was willing to play it cheap.

"Get to the point." He said hatefully and I smiled at his response.

"You're weak." I said once again as I sat down in front of him to get to his eye level. But this time, I said it in a sympathetic tone.

"She's weak. And I'm weak as well." To which he raised an eyebrow.

"We're weak. Otherwise we would not have landed in the hospital like that."

I went close to him and whispered "We won't grow strong by sitting inside a room and holding hands."

"She's lucky she survived this time." I said as looked him in the eyes. "She may not be so lucky next time."

"If you want her to survive. If you want her to live in this cursed world where everyone and everything is trying to kill us. If you care about her and safety. If you love her and want to protect her. Then… you need to become strong."

I said my piece and stood up from the ground after which I stared at him from above.

"I'm going hunting because I want to be strong. Do you want to come with me." I said and gave him my hand.

He stared at me for a long moment, as if searching for something in my eyes. I stared right back at him.

After the long moment passed, he accepted my hand.