Three days of training

"Have you hunted before like this." He asked, and I could see genuine curiosity in that stoic face of his.

"Not really." I replied "I'm mean, I've walked through forests like this before along with big bro. And I was walking through it alone before I met you. But I've only gone deep into the forest with the express intention of hunting a few times. Like one or two times."

"Is that so." He asked with a somewhat skeptical expression and I wondered what I said that would lead him to suspect my words.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked and he shook his head.

"It's just that… you're very good at learning things." He smiled deprecatingly manner and continued "The things you learned today might seem like common things that anyone might know but it took me a long long time to learn these things through trial and error."

"And the way you handle your sword makes it seem like you've been learning to use it for many years. Especially your left hand."

Was that a compliment. That really was a compliment wasn't it. God, did Jasvinder just compliment me. The world must be ending. Oh wait! It already did.

"Keep it up and might survive a few more weeks." He finished and I felt my eye twitch.

I really should not have expected much from him.

"Now then… Where is my compensation." He said ad brought his hand forward and I felt my eyes twitch even more.

Well… a promise is a promise.

I took out 50 2nd tier crystals from my spatial ring and passed them on to him.

He just nodded and took off in the direction of the town.

It seemed like he was anxious to meet Upma.

'Lovebird' I sighed and turned around.

I had promised him 50 2nd tier crystals to teach me for a night.

Was it expensive yes.

Was it worth it.

Definitely. And I would pay him that much again anytime to learn from him.

'Lily. Sell all 1st, 2nd and 3rd tier cores I hunted today. When you've sold 80% of the cores or more, use the white coins to start buying 2nd tier crystals.'

'Got it.' She replied and I could see the list forming in the interface in my helmet.

'Do you want to sell them for cheap, moderate price or as expensive commodities.'

'Sell them for a moderate price. I want them gone by the afternoon.' I said and turned around to face the forest I had just come out of.

I remembered his teachings and wanted to just go in and test out how good I've become from one night of training by the Pro.

But I knew my limits.

I was exhausted by eight hours of continuous hunting. And my right hand (which was still plastered to my chest) was starting to hurt a bit.

I was not in the best state either mentally or physically. So it would be foolish to go inside the forest right now.

I sighed and turned around with a heavy heart.

I need to get some rest.

But I didn't want to return back to the town either.

The only reason I stayed there was because I was heavily injured. If possible, I would like to avoid that place.

After searching for a while, I came across a small shop by the road side and after making sure that there were no abnormals inside, I closed all the windows, set up a few traps for the intruders, and went to sleep.


The next three days went in similar fashion where I would take a day to train by myself and learn how to survive in the deep forest which crawled with numerous mutant beasts.

Jasvinder came every adjacent night to teach me and we would prowl around in the forest, hunting all kinds of game while I tried to learn everything I could from him.

How to track mutant beasts.

How to tell what kind of mutant beast you were tracking.

How to follow trails.

How to not leave tracks.

How to cover your tracks.

How to set up an ambush.

How to lure mutant beasts into an ambush.

What are the best place to set up an ambush.

How to tell whether it's an ambush or not.

How to escape from an ambush by mutant beasts.

How to estimate the number of mutant beasts in a group.

How to estimate their strength.

And more and more and more.

The more time I spent with Jasvinder, the more I realized how little I knew about anything regarding mutant beasts.

And the more I grew to respect Jasvinder during this time.

He was still the grim-faced 11 years old boy whose glance would make lower men tremble. But he was so much more than his outer appearance.

He, for one, was deeply passionate about hunting. And when he spoke about things related to that, I could almost see a childish side of him. A side which is excited and intrigued about the world.

At those moments, he almost seems like his 11 year old self.

During this time, I had also grown to respect him as a teacher. I don't know if I'll ever respect him as a person because he is far too anti-social. But at least I respect one aspect of him.

I quietly wondered if he even talked this much with Upma. Considering that she does not seem very interested in hunting.

I had a feeling that I had talked more with Jasvinder in the short amount of three days than Upma had in god knows how many years they had been together.

That thought is creepy in a way.