Camouflage Cloak

There are times in life when you are lucky. And there are times in life when you are not.

I was a bit unlucky this time.

The village we arrived in was infested with mutant beasts.

By the looks of it, a battle seemed to have occurred here some time ago.

A battle between mutant beasts and abnormals.

The mutant beasts seemed to have won. Which was not a good news for us since it is harder to kill mutant beasts than abnormals.

I looked at my subordinates who were grumbling as they ate their rations and smiled. Despite our initial confrontation and their irrational fear of me, throughout the day while fighting along side them, I realized that they were good people.

So far, every single one of them had fought many enemies throughout the day and all of them had a few bruises and wounds to show for it.

None of them had died so far and we have covered a lot of ground. This counts as a success in my book and I took pride in the fact that I was not a bad leader after all.

After waiting near the tree for a few minutes I finally caught movement near the bushes.

Everyone became alert until they saw the figure of Tribhuwan. The smallest member of our team.

Despite that handicap, he was an excellent scout which he proved time and time again since he joined the team.

Was I a better scout than him.

Yes I was.

But he was quite good in his own rights so I used his talents whenever I could.

He arrived before me and inclined his head to show respect after which he went on and gave his report.

The summary of his report:- 1 3rd tier. 9 2nd tier. 33 1st tier mutant beasts.

All of them had eaten recently and thus most of them were resting.

Except the few who exception who saw fit to mate after a gruesome battle.

What? You thought that the beasts would lose their primal instincts because they mutated.

"Most of them are scattered throughout the village. A few of them, are resting in the middle of the village, including the 3rd tier mutant beast." He said, finishing his report.

"Which mutant beast was it?" I asked.

"It's a mutant boar sir." He replied

"I see." I said and turned to look at the village. There were more than a hundred buildings in that village. And although they were at a a bit of distance from each other and most of them were demolished during the battle, they still made a good hiding position.

"What are we going to do sir." Asha asked nervously and wondered how long it'll take them to stop fearing me.

I thought for a while and played different attack strategies in my mind.

There weren't many since mutant beasts have better senses than abnormals. But there were still many ways in which me and my team could wipe out the mutant beasts.

After thinking for a while, I chose the safest method in which I could get rid of them.

"You are not going to do anything." I replied and when they were about to protest, I stopped them with a gesture of my hand.

"You'll stay here." I said "And I'll go down and deal with them."

"Isn't that a bit reckless sir." Tribhuwan said "I mean, we know we know that you are strong. But still, going against that many…" any other words he was going to say died in his throat when I glared at him.

"Did I ask for your opinion?" I asked and he shook his head while the rest of the team members went stock still.

"Good. You'll wait outside the village at a safe distance and wait for my signal while I go inside and deal with the mutant beasts. When I give you the signal, you can enter the village and kill the remaining mutant beasts. Am I clear."

"Yes sir." They replied in fear and in turned around and left for the village.

'Maybe I'm not such a good leader after all.' I mused to myself as I opened the hologram and checked the Store for something that Jasvinder suggested me to buy.'

'Now is the perfect time to this toy.' I thought and looked at the 'Camouflage Cloak' in the store.

'300 white coins. Woah! This stuff is expensive alright.' I thought and berated myself for not asking it's cost before.

'You assumed this would be cheap?' Lily asked and I sighed.

'I did. I had assumed that it would be about 100 white coins or so.' I said and checked my hologram for my wealth.


4982 white coins, 336 crystals (1st tier), 18 crystal (2nd tier), 5 crystal (3rd tier), 179 cores (1st tier), 38 cores (2nd tier), 4 cores (3rd tier)

"Hmm… That's a bit more than I would have expected." I said and wondered how long it will take me to get all my stat points to 8.0 so that I could evolve to the the next level.

The answer was- Not long.

I used 2,400 white coins to buy 8 Camouflage Cloaks after which I used 2,400 more white coins to merge them together to gain a 4th tier Camouflage Cloak.

I checked the description of the cloak and sighed in relief.

Camouflage Cloak:- User's is able to hide his presence from the enemies by blending in with the environment.

Cost- 300 white coins

Level- Tier 4

1st tier:- Enemies won't find the user if they don't actively search for him and he stays still in their presence.

2nd tier:- Enemies will find it difficult to find the user if he doesn't make any movements.

3rd tier:- User is practically invisible to the enemies if he doesn't make any movements.

4th tier:- User can make small movements and even then the enemies will not find him unless they are actively searching for him.

5th tier:- User can can make small movements and even then the enemies will have difficulty finding him….

…10th tier:- User is practically invisible to the eyes of the enemies.

I chuckled at the measly 192 white coins left in my account.

I realized that I had invested a lot of white coins on this Camouflage Cloak. Now, I can only pray that it's as awesome as Jasvinder made it out to be.

'And if it is, then all my wealth will be well spent.' I thought and gave one last command to Lily.

'Sell every single core and 1st tier crystal in my possession and buy me as many 2nd tier crystals as you can. I want to reach the next stage of evolution by the end of the day if possible.' I said and entered the village.