What happened back there?

Considering all that happened, Raka was rather happy to see me.

"It's finally good to see someone who isn't trying to take a piece out of you." He said and fell on his knees with exhaustion.

Looking at the numerous cuts and bruises sporting his body, I could guess that he did not have a particularly good time while away from us either.

"Are you alright?" I asked and gave him a bottle of water which he gulped down rather quickly.

He stood up on shaky legs and when he stood in front of me, his smile vanished and he frowned as he looked at my face.

I frowned in return.

'He seems a bit short.' I thought as earlier in the day, he was a bit taller than me. Now, I was the one who was on the taller side.

"Are you really Ashok?" he asked and I could tell that he was genuinely confused by now.

"I am." I replied "You are shorter than I remember."

"I was going to say the same to you. It seemed like your beauty sleep did wonders for you." He said with a bit of resentment.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "And can you explain what happened back there. And where everyone else is."

He gritted his teeth and his face contorted in anger. But instead of saying something he might regret, he took a deep breath and calmed himself down.

"Very well then. I don't know how much you remember, but I'll tell everything from the start."


The whole incident which lead to our current circumstance was rather simple.

Some time during the night, a horde of mutant beast passed by that village.

Despite the fact that we burned all the bodies, the village was still stained with blood and gore. The horde caught onto that smell and entered the village.

Tribhuwan, who was the sentry at that time alerted every one by shouting at top of his lungs which was a mistake.

As soon as the 3rd tier mutant beasts heard his shout, they attacked him.

He was torn apart within moments.

Raka woke up because of that shout and ran toward the house where Ashok and Neha were staying in and found that Neha was already awake and was trying to wake up Ashok.

But Ashok was unconscious and did not wake up no matter what.

From the window, Raka saw Asha and Kesav running out of the village.

Most of the high tier mutant beasts chased after them.

Raka and Neha took this chance and after they picked up Ashok, they started to run as well.

But some of the mutant beasts caught sight of them and chased after them.

After running for a while, both realized that it will be hard for them to survive like this and split up so that one of them could survive.

When they split up, most of the mutant beasts chased after Neha but a few came after him as well.

He was able to defeat them but he did not came out unscathed either as shown by the numerous wounds on his body.

"The last I saw of her was when she was running away from the mutant beasts. I think I saw a 3rd tier mutant bear among the ones who chased her as well." He said "I wanted to help her, but I was afraid and I knew that even if I went to help her, I would stand no chance against the 3rd tier mutant bear. So I ran. And ran. And ran."

"What happened?" he asked as he looked at me. "Is she alright?"

"She has suffered many wounds from the beasts but I woke up in time. She's wounded but it's nothing fatal. She'll wake up by morning." I said and for the first time, I realized that despite all the pain she went through, none of her wounds were fatal.

That realization made me feel a bit better but then I remembered Kesav and Asha and was overcame with guilt once again.

"Is there any chance that they would have survived?" I asked.

He shook his head. "I doubt it. They were not weak and had a few good skills as well. But they were chased by at least 4 3rd tier mutant beasts. I don't have much hope for them."

I sighed once again.

'If I had chosen a different village then something like this wouldn't have happened.'

Tribhuwan, Asha and Kesav.

I did not knew them very well. But they seemed like good people.

And they died because of me.

"You're blaming yourself for their deaths. Aren't you?" Raka's voice broke me out of my thoughts and I chuckled sadly at his words.

"If they died. Then they would have died because of me." I said.

"And blaming yourself would somehow bring them back to life. Is that it?" he sighed and continued. "Look. I know you're blaming yourself for their deaths. Don't. I does no good to anybody. Instead of blaming yourself, next time you lead a team, make sure to take better care of your subordinates. Alright?"

I sighed and nodded weakly.

I knew that the guilt and blame won't go away any time soon. But I won't burden myself by thinking about them even more.

My little sister needed me.

And Raka's words were right. If those three died, then blaming myself won't bring them back to life either way.

"Now do you mind telling me what all that was about?" I asked and I looked at him questioningly.

"I mean… what happened to you back there? Why did you not wake up when we tried to wake you up. And why are you so tall all of a… wait! Don't tell me…." Comprehension dawned in his face as he looked at me carefully and asked "You were going through your next evolution at that time, weren't you?"

I nodded and he became even more dejected.

"Was that your 3rd evolution?" he asked and I nodded once more.

"Well… that explains why you were able to defeat 3rd tier mutant beasts as well. I've not even completed my 2nd evolution and you've already completed your third one. Is world is really unfair. Isn't it."

I opened my mouth to say something but no words came out and I closed it off once again.

What do you say to such an inquiry.

At that point, I saw movements in the distance and used my 'Advanced Vision' skill to see who or what it was.

A smile formed on the corner of my lips as I let out a breath I did not knew I had been holding.

"Jasvinder and his team is here."