Apprehensive feelings

It took me half an hour convince Raka that I would not eat him.

Still, the fear in his eyes when he looked at me had not decreased one bit.

In hindsight, I should not have grinned so widely at him.

Anyway, after I made sure that he would not run away while I was not looking, I resumed my training.

And while training, I realized something.

Whenever I became exhausted, I would go out and find something to eat. And after I finished eating, I would feel considerably less exhausted.

After this happened a few times, I found out this phenomenon.

Eating mutant meat was replenishing me.

I realized that this was a very advantageous thing for me and could increase the amount of time I could fight by a large margin.

I could fight, get tired, eat some meat, get replenished, get back to fighting and then continue this cycle.

Not to say that eating mutant meat could sustain me forever.

I know that there must be a limit to this. A limit after which this cycle will be broken. A limit after which I would be so exhausted that mutant meat just won't cut it for me.

But still… This was a great advantage for me. And something that I intended to use to it's maximum effect.

Hell, I could literally eat some of my enemies off the field while fighting them.

That would be epic.

After realized that I had gained this advantage, I used it consistently throughout the whole day to keep myself replenished and kept on practicing my sword skills and any other exercise that would help me become better in one way or another.

I practiced extensively till dusk after which I started getting tired despite eating mutant meat.

Training extensively throughout the whole day would do that to you.

So I kept the sword back inside the spatial ring and stopped my training.

Plus… Neha had woken up.


I suppose one of the best thing about the black watch was the miraculous medicines provided in the 'Buy' section.

Those medicines were so effective that minor fractures like could be healed within a day.

Minor fractures like the ones that Neha had suffered.

I entered the basement and was a bit taken aback when Neha started sobbing and jumped at me for a hug.

It seemed like the whole situation last night had been a bit traumatizing for her.

I did not blame her.

When the attacked happened, I was unconscious. The rest of her team members were either dead, missing or fleeing for their own lives and she had to face numerous foes that were far more powerful than her and would stop at nothing to tear her apart.

And she did all of that while protecting me.


"Shhh… It's alright now. You're safe. Everything is fine." I said and patted her back in a gentle manner.

It took me while to comfort her after which I resolved to train her properly so that she'll be able to hold her own in the future even if me and big bro are not nearby.

"I'll start to train you from tomorrow on wards and I won't go easy on you. Do you understand?" I asked after she stopped sobbing and she nodded.

She was still a bit tired and I was exhausted from the intense training so we called in a day and went to sleep soon after that.


The next day, I woke everyone up earlier than usual.

And by everyone, I meant Raka and Neha.

Neha was still using all her mana to focus on mind domination skill on the Holler and thus did not have the mana for Advanced Vision Skill either. So even though it was dawn, I decided that we should wait until we have proper daylight to start our scouting mission.

Until then, I spent all of my time in training Neha and Rahul on how to use their weapons properly.

Both of them used the basic sword which was a weapon that I had used before so I was confident in my ability to guide them. Plus, unlike Rahul, Jasvinder or me, their techniques was crude at best so even with just a few of my suggestions, they improved by quite a bit.

"I think this is enough of a warm up. Pack your bags. We're leaving in five minutes." I gave a command and turned around to leave.

"If that's his warm up, then I don't even want to know what his training looks like." I heard Raka's whisper but chose to ignore it.

After they went out of sight, I took out a large boar leg and finished it in three large bites.

Ever since I realized that I would not be able to eat normal food, I had thrown out all of it from my spatial ring and now used the ring to store mutant meat instead.

But even though I had resolved to not hide my true self from the camp members, I was still apprehensive about telling Neha about myself.

I had no idea how she would react to this new me. I had a feeling that she would not mind the new changes in me that much, but every time I thought about telling her, I would remember Raka's terrified expression when he found me devouring the mutant squirrel.

To be fair, scaring him was fun. And I don't think I would mind seeing that same terrified expression in the faces of the people living in the camp.

But I don't think I would like to see that expression in Neha's face.

No. I would not like that at all.

'You're thinking too much about it.' Lily said as I finished the meat and wore the helmet back on my head. 'She's your sister and loves you dearly. Even if she becomes fearful of your ability, she won't stop loving you. Just like you won't stop loving her if she was the one who started eating mutant meat.'

'You're right.' I said and sighed deeply.

I felt like a thief when I ate the mutant meat while hiding it from Neha. I realized that it's not good to keep such secrets from family and the earlier I told her about this, the better.

Plus, Neha was a smart girl. So sooner or later, she'll figure out on her own.

'Very well then. I'll tell her as soon as possible.' I said and smiled when both Raka and Neha arrived.

I took out the map and proceeded to tell them about the details of our mission for the day.