Tasting abnormal meat

Before apocalypse I had the build of an athlete but I was not really interested in it.

Despite that fact, I had once checked my fastest speed and had realized that I can run a 100 meters in 11 seconds.

Now that I was 12 times faster than my previous self, I was able to cover 1000 meters in ten seconds.

But the terrain was not really suitable for sprinting so it took us (me and big bro) more than 40 seconds to cover 2 kilometers.

At that point, we stopped running and waited.

A few seconds passed by without anyone in sight.

Then seven 3rd tier abnormals burst out in the clearing where we had stopped.

Where we had set up and ambush.

It was a messy ambush. I would not lie and say that everything went perfectly the way we had planned.

But still, by the time my 60 seconds of accelerated agility were over, we had seven 3rd tier abnormal heads on the floor.

Along with three wounded comrades.

Not that I really cared.

The 2nd tier never followed us.

An not for the lack of trying.

They did try to come after us. But they were much slower than 3rd tier ones and quickly lost sight of us after which they gave up and went back to attacking the town who made quick work of them now that their leader was gone.

And after all this was over, I realized what went wrong with the mission.

I was supposed to kill the 4th tier abnormal quickly but that didn't happen as easily as I had anticipated so I failed in my part.

But the biggest failure in the mission came from Big bro who, instead of decapitating the Holler, like we had planned, maimed it instead by taking off all of it's limbs and carried if all the way back for Neha.

Not that it was a bad thing, considering that Neha had one more powerful guard for herself but still…

I was a bit pissed off by his sudden change in the actions which could have went poorly.

"That was not why I did it." Rahul replied as I went to face him.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"When we reached our target, I realized that it was wide open and I could take it down without killing it. So after I cut off it's limbs, I was about to close it's mouth before I looked at the 4th tier abnormal." He said. "It was not dead and from it's enraged expression I could tell that it would attack any moment and you might have got severly if that were the case so I let the Hooler shout out for help which had the intended effect of distracting the 4th tier. You quickly took advantage of this opportunity just as I had expected and disposed of it, thus completing our mission."

"So you see little brother, the mission was never out of our hands." He said as he patted my shoulders "Even if I had killed the Holler, I have done something else to help you in killing the 4th tier abnormal."

"I see." I said and hung my head.

It stung my pride to admit that I had actually failed in doing what I was supposed to do and then big bro had to save my ass.

But that was actually what had happened and I was not really liking that fact.

"Come. Let's meet our new allies." Rahul said gently and took us back to the battlefield for more assistance.

Which was not required.

By the time we got back, the defenders had become the attackers and every abnormal in the vicinity had been slaughtered.

And I was even getting ready for some more action.

Such a shame.


The leader of the town came out to meet Rahul and thanked him for the assistance.

Not that they would have fallen without our help.

But if we had not helped, then more people would have died by the end of battle.

The leader had the decency to accept this fact so he counted as a good guy in my book.

That quickly changed when he burst out laughing and patter Rahul's back and forced everyone inside the town for a celebration for surviving such a tough battle.

With the familiarity he is showing to all of us, someone might had been mistaken him for a long lost uncle or something.

The boisterous leader quickly changed from 'Good guy' to 'Troublesome guy' in my book.

As we were passing the battle field, I sneakily took the 4th tier abnormal inside the spatial ring for later… experiments after which I declined his invitation and removed my presence from their party.

I was still feeling a bit sullen because of my failed attack on the 4th tier abnormal so I had no interest in some guy's party.

So I went back to the top of the hill and made sure that no one was looking after which took out the 4th tier abnormal's body.

You see… normally I would not resort to cannibalism (if it can be counted as such). But this was the first 4th tier specimen I had ever come across.

So a bit of… testing was required. Ahem…

'Here we go…' I thought and went for the bite.

Um num num num…

It's meat was tough.

Like really really tough.

My sturdy jaw and sharp teeth which could easily break through the 3rd tier creature's bones found it a bit hard to chew it's meat.

But I did it nonetheless.

And after I finished the whole… meal, I waited.

Nothing happened so I waited some more.

Nothing happened once again and I realized that my stats would not increase by eating abnormals.

I did not know if I was feeling relived or sad because of this revelation.

I was feeling both the emotions.

After a bit of introspection, I realized that my 'sad' emotions were a bit on the higher frequency than the 'relieved' emotions.


Just, wow…