Caught in the roots

Something sharp poking my leg brought me back to consciousness. I slowly opened my eyes and raised my head to find a blurry figure standing in front of me.

I felt weak. So weak.

"Hey. You alive?" the voice of a girl. I knew she was in front of me, but her voice sounded so distant.

As if she was speaking from some far away place.

Doesn't really matter.

I'm exhausted. Very very exhausted.

Let me sleep. Just for a little while.

I closed my eyes and was about to nod off when I felt something sharp poking my leg once again.

"Don't you know it's rude to nod off while a lady is talking to you." Her distant voice rang in my ears and I opened my heavy eyelids to see her form once again. This time, it was a bit clear.

I shook my head weakly and tried to wipe my eyes but realized that I couldn't move my hands.

I was too tired to get frustrated over this.

I looked at her and this time, the blur went away and I surprised by the beauty in front of me.

She looked to be about my age, and was wearing a revealing skirt along with a small top. She had large breasts and had an hourglass figure. Black hair, brown eyes. A little shorter than me.

She was just perfect for me.

'How can someone be so beautiful.' I wondered. 'Is she an illusion?'

Perhaps I'm dead???

"Am I dead?" I asked and was a bit surprised by how hoarse and weak I sounded.

But then again, I was feeling rather weak at the moment.

She giggled at my words and then laughed.

Such sweet laugh.

"No you're not dead. In fact, I just saved your life. If I had come a few hours later, you would not have survived." She said with a grin.

"What are you talking about?" I thought and shook my head once again.

And then, I smelled a strong decaying smell and almost emptied my stomach as my senses cleared a bit

The feeling of euphoria lifted along with the thing that was confusing my senses.

My body hurt all over. As if I was stabbed by thousands of needles.

I looked down and found myself fully covered by the roots of a tree and half submerged in a small pond.

I looked around and found found roots as far as my eyes could see.

And then the corpses came into view.

Dozens, no, hundreds of mutant fish corpses decaying in the water as the roots surrounded their body and sucked the life out of them in a slow manner.

'So that's where the stench was coming from.' I thought and looking at the source of the roots and found a half destroyed truck at the edge of the lake.

A mutant tree.

But I already knew it the moment I saw the roots.

But it was destroyed at the trunk. As if blown by some kind of explosive.

This particular mutant tree did not have any eyes in it's trunks and had most of it's roots going into the water instead of the land. It was different than the mutant trees I had seen so far.

Now that I think about it, every single mutant tree I have come across was different from one another in some shape or form.

My the mutate differently than mutant beasts and abnormals.

This particular mutant tree had small holes in the roots and I could see a black liquid leaking out of it to and merging with the pond.

'That must be the thing attracting so many mutant fishes to this small pond.' I thought and looked at the the person who just saved my life from a horrible death.

Now that the euphoria I was feeling had worn off, she didn't look like the angel or the perfect girl I had imagined.

Sure she was still looked beautiful, but the type of beauty you see in some girls in the classroom.

Not the kind that 'makes you it's slave and forces you to lose your morals so that you could achieve it'.

The roots had attached themselves to my body and had released some kind of toxin in my body as that my mind would remain muddled while it slowly absorbed the nutrients from my body and left my an empty husk.

What a scary attack mechanism.

Suddenly, my thoughts came to a halt as the pain and exhaustion hit me once again.

I felt my vision blur a bit and saw the girl in front of me move forward to support my body.

"Hold on. Don't fall asleep you fool. Just hold on for a few more moments." Her distant voice entered my ears and for a small moment I wondered why cared about me at all before the exhaustion took over and I lost myself to the darkness.


When I woke up the next time, I had the biggest headache I suffered in my entire lifetime. I tried to hold my head to dampen the pain but realized that I could not move my body at all.

This time, I knew that I was not tied to anything this time but was just so weak that I was not able to lift even a single finger of my hand.

'Fuck!!!' I screamed in my mind as the pain threatened to split apart my head as unbidden tears formed in my eyes.

'It's alright… Shh… Everything will be fine.' Lily's gentle voice rang in my mind and I felt a bit relieved that at least I had someone with me for the moment.

'Everything will be alright. It's just a headache. You'll over come it like you've done everything else.' Lily continued to say sweet nothings in my mind and despite the fact that the pain didn't lessen even a little bit, I found myself capable for shouldering the pain this time.

'Everything will be alright.' Lily said in a melodies and gentle voice, as if singing a lullaby and I soon found myself forgetting the pain and falling for the gentle words.

It was not too long before I fell in the gentle embrace of sleep once again.