
I fell behind her even before we met any mutant beast horde.

She was just that fast.

"What's the matter slow poke. You want me to carry you around on my back." She taunted and I gritted my teeth in frustration.

She was fast. At least twice as fast as me and no matter how much I tried, I was not able to overcome the distance between us.

Only when she slowed down a bit was I able to ran along with her.

I assumed that the fact that I was slowing her down would infuriate her but the way she smiled whenever she teased me made me think otherwise.

She was enjoying herself.

Almost as much as I was enjoying myself.

I never knew that simply running around in the forest with someone else who was just like me could be so enjoyable.

In fact, we both were so entranced in our little games that we almost missed the herd that was waiting in ambush behind a cluster of bushes.

But despite our focus on each other, our great sense of smell warned us about someone else's presence, and the Night Vision showed me what we were up against.

It was a small herd of mutant rabbits.

By all rights, small mutant beasts should be easier to deal with than the bigger ones.

In a sense it was true.

A 3rd tier mutant rabbit was far easier to kill than a 3rd tier mutant bear.

Only if reality worked that way.

Small mutant beasts need to eat less in order to sustain themselves and evolve.

While the meat of a single mutant goat won't help a mutant bear in it's evolution, it would allow about half a dozen mutant rabbits to evolve to the next stage.

That's why when we found that all the dozen or so mutant rabbits were 4th tier mutant beasts, we were surprised, but not to the degree that we fail to retaliate when the attacked.

And the battle which followed soon after would make me understand exactly how powerful Netra truly was.

By the time I was finished with my first mutant rabbit, she had already finished it's nest mates.

Well, at least the one I killed was tasty.

Netra refused to share any of the mutant beasts she killed with me saying that if she help me too much then I would grow complacent and weak.

She was right, in a way. So I didn't ask her for any of her kills for the rest of night.

Which posed a huge problem for me since by the time I am able to kill a few members of the herd, I realize that she has already killed everyone else.

~Sigh~ I guess every situation has it's upsides and downsides.


"That horde is a little too big for my liking." I said as we hid behind a dense cluster of bushes and spied on a horde of mutant dogs.

This was probably the largest mutant beast horde I've ever seen in my life.

Usually mutant beast don't travel in such large groups.

Except for the mutant rat horde. Those was… okay, let's not even mention that instance alright.

If we ignore that anomaly then I've noticed that mutant dogs form the largest group in average.

Probably because stray dogs were a common sight both in urban and rural areas in India before the apocalypse.

By that right, there should also be a large number of mutant cows and buffaloes in existence.

But I don't think I'll ever lament the non-existence of large horde of mutant cows.

At least not until I'm sane.

Or so strong that I'm able to carve through those mutant beasts like butter.

Wait! Now that I think about it, I should be strong enough to cut a 2nd or even a 3rd tier mutant cow in half.

Just a thought.

But let's focus on the problem at hand.

"The point is not about whether you like it or not." Netra explained gently and I had a feeling that I won't spend the rest of my night in peace.

"The point is whether you're able to kill them or not." She said with a sweet smile that sent shivers down my spine.

"You must be joking. There are at least 300 of them there."

"300 mutant beasts with the highest being a 3rd tier mutant dog. Nothing you can't handle." She said encouragingly and I wondered if she saved me just so she could kill me in a different way.

"I am sure I'll be able to defeat a 3rd tier mutant dog easily in a single battle. But not when there are hundreds of other mutant dogs helping it." I said and prayed to whatever god was listening that she would come to her senses and stop whatever madness had taken hold of her.

"Come on Ashok. Show some passion. What kind of Fiend doesn't want to jump in between a large horde of beasts an slaughter them all."

"Umm… the rational kind?" I said and she frowned at my lack of enthusiasm.

'Well sorry for not having a suicidal tendency.' I cried in my mind but then she smirked and all kinds of warning signs started blaring in my mind.

"You know Ashok. I am impressed by how you are still believe that you have a choice." She said and her smirk grew wider, showing a few dozen canines in the darkness.

I gulped.

"I don't???" I asked meekly.

She just smiled in return and before I could try to protect myself, I found myself pushed out of the bush and just as I came in view of the mutant dogs, she shouted loudly from behind.

"Dinner's ready you bastards."

And then, as if joined by a single sentience, every mutant dog in the horde turned to look in my direction ~gulp~ before they sprinted toward me.

'I'll remember you.' Lily's words rang in my mind as the horde descended upon me.