Sleeping in each other's embrace


Not here.

No here either.


This one as well.

Not here as well.

'Where the hell has all the food gone' I cursed in my mind as I searched house by house, cabinets by cabinets.

So far I've only managed to procure one chocolate bar and one packet of biscuits and that was only because they were kept in unexpected places where no one would find them.

'Whoever took food from these houses did a really thorough job.' Lily commented as I came out of the last house in the block, empty handed.

'That they did. But that means that there's no food for the three girls.' I thought.

Me and Netra only ate mutant beast meat which is poisonous and very harmful for other humans.

I looked up at the moon in the night sky and sighed before taking out the walkie talkie I pilfered from the dead bodies of the men chasing after the three girls.

"Netra. Did you find anything to eat for them?" I asked and after a bit of static, her voice came out.

"No. There's no food in these shops. I found a few breads and vegetables but all of them had gone bad a long time ago and are not edible anymore."

"Is that so. Well, continue searching. If we're not able to find anything by dawn then we'll go to another town to search." I said and kept the walkie talkie back in the belt.

Netra has been in a bad mood ever since she talked with those three girls and heard what happened to them.

After ranting out about the injustice done to them (and scaring them in the process) she told me that wanted to take care of them.

Considering how she saved me and nursed me back to health, I was not really surprised by this.

I don't mind helping them as long as they don't become overly reliant on us and learn to take care of themselves.

I entered another house and started searching for the kitchen profusely.

After five minutes of searching through the kitchen, I found a large sized dildo for my efforts.

It's as if the heavens are mocking me or something.

Seriously, who the hell keeps a dildo in their kitchen cabinets.

I sighed as I came out of the house, empty handed, once again.

It would all have been so easy if the B&S Worldwide allowed people to buy food supplies.

At least I would not have to spend my time searching for scraps of food at 2 am in the morning.


"So?" i asked as I sat beside Netra. She looked much more tired than usual.

The three she had rescued slept on the bedroom while she sat outside in the sofa. It said something about her characteristics.

"Hmm…" She did not replied but instead leaned on my shoulder and rested her head while clutching onto my hand as if to make sure that I was still there.

That I had not abandoned her.

I kissed her forehead like I usually did with Neha but she didn't say anything.

'When did our relationship became so advanced that we are so comfortable in each other's presence.' I wondered.

"So?" I asked once again.

The question was generic, I knew that. But I had so many questions in my mind.

This time she looked up at me questioningly and smiled bitterly at her lost expression.

"Hmm?" she questioned.

"So. What are we do now. What's the story of these girls. What was that giant 300 meter tall thing we saw back there. Should we be wary of it. How are we going to find food for these girls? Should we keep searching here or go to another place to search? How long will we be taking care of these girls. And. Are you okay?"

I asked the questions that came to mind but I had so many more.

That giant thing we saw back there especially bothered me but the fragile emotional state that Netra was in stopped me from asking her about it.

I can be dense at times, I'll admit that but I was not insensitive.

"I'm okay." She said with a slight nod and a weak smile before she buried her head in my chest.

I laid back on the sofa a bit more so that she would feel more comfortable.

"The girls." She continued "They've suffered a lot. I've not asked them about what. But I know. I know." She murmured softly before she eyes closed and her breathing stedied.

I realized that she had fallen asleep and smiled a bit.

I slowly removed myself from under her, or at least I tried to, but the strong grip she had on my arm stopped me from trying anything else and I realized that if was a bit more forceful than she might wake up once again.

I did not want to wake her up so I gently laid down on the sofa while pulling her closer to me.

If I was not going anywhere else then I might as well take some rest.

After all, today was a tiring day for me as well.

I pulled out a blanket from inside the spatial ring and covered both of us with it.

As my eyes glazed over and I was pulled in the dreamland, I wondered when we became so comfortable with each other that we had no problem sleeping in each other's embrace.