Dealing with the darker side of the world

Women of various ages, ranging from 40 years old to 12 years old were all kept naked inside cages made up of steel bars.

One look at their plight and I felt my blood boil to the extent that I almost wanted to give in to my impulses and slaughter every man in the camp. But I had to restrain myself. I had to be strong. Strong for Netra who was on the verge of losing herself at the sight in front of her.

I clutched her tightly as she tried to get out of my grasp and wrung the neck of the bandit closest to us and whispered about how we'll make them regret what they did.

And it was true.

I would make these men regret being born if it was the last thing I do in my life.


I wish I could say that it was a fierce battle between the good and evil. About how we fought with wild abandon despite all odds and came out as winners in the end.

I guess a part of me wished it was something like that.

That all of this would not be so… meaningless.

Aside from the bandits who had been guarding atop the towers, most of the men were fast asleep.

Me and Netra made sure they never woke up from that sleep.

We went from tent to tent, finding naked women in a few of them.

I wondered if giving those girls a swift death might have been merciful instead of letting them live.

But the tree of life is living and breathing thing which twists and changes with your every actions. And you never know might change when you let it grow.

By the time we were done with more than 90% of them men, one of them woke up because of the fierce smell of blood in the air.

He must have evolved into something with great senses.

Not that it helped any when I split him in half from top to bottom.

But by then, his cry had been heard throughout the camp.

They woke up and brandished their guns at us.

Something that we had tried to avoid from the start.

In the resulting gunfire took the lives of eight innocent girls before we were able to kill everyone in the camp.

The leader was a short man with a pot belly that jiggled with every step he took.

He was strong alright. Almost as strong as a 3rd tier abnormal. I can understand why he was able to become the leader of such a band of degenerate.

But that's all he was.

His screams were music to my ears and I think I heard some of the girls giggling as Netra tortured him in full view of everyone that survived the purge.

That fact that Netra ate him after she was finished with him was a bit disconcerting to me but I realized that it was one of the few times she needed my full support so I gave it to her.

Cannibalism or not.

We saved 34 girls after all was finished.

A pity that most of the girls were a hollow husk of what they might have been once.

The fact that most of them flinched every time I tried to help them only goes to show the extent to which they've been mentally scarred.

We had killed every bandit in the camp and their leader and freed the girls from their clutches. Then why doesn't this feel like a victory.

At least the bandits had more than enough food in their storage that the girls won't have to worry about it for a few months easily.

'That was the only consolation they are going to get tonight.' I thought morosely and clamped down the strong urge to just get up and leave from this depressed atmosphere.

But I would leave Netra alone in her moment of need. So I stayed and helped girls despite the hateful looks I relieved from time to time.

We had saved the girls. But we came too late.


Eiliyah was one of the few girls who were able to continue on with their lives after we saved them and that too with the help of the three girls we saved earlier.

She was not happy with our rescue. Grateful? yes. Happy? I don't think a girl who has been raped repeatedly would find happiness for a very long time.

But at least she cried.

Most of the girls had a hollow look on their faces as they gazed at the air for hours at end.

I was sure I was going to have nightmares because of their expressions.

I called Big bro and when he picked up the walkie talkie, I realized that he must have been within 50 kilometers of my current position.

Good. Now I can dump all these girls on him.

Yeah. I know I was being irresponsible by doing this since it was kinda our responsibility to take care of these girls as we were the ones who rescued them but I had no talent in administration and my people skills sucked.

So this one time, I'll have to resort to big bro for help.

I just don't know how the girls will take it if they're suddenly handed to some stranger.

Well, we'll see about that later on. For now, I need to help Netra since she needs all the emotional support she can get.

Sigh… This world has really gone to shit, hasn't it.