
"So yeah, the first Giagadon was seen 6 times before. I don't know the whole story but apparently people did not take it seriously at first and by the time they knew how dangerous it was, it was already too late."

"It is said that Chris along with his lieutenants went and blew half of the whole South America with Nuclear missiles where it had originated from and it survived even that."

"After that they launched even bigger nuclear warheads at it and after dropping dozens of nuclear warheads on top of it, it finally died. But by then there was too much radiation in the atmosphere and the world started going through strange climate changes. People did not survive the alternating climates for long and that time ended very badly for everyone." She finished with a nod as if finishing her lecture but I was too shocked to care about her expression.

"Whenever a new recruit joins the Shepherds, they are given some information which helps them grow strong and survive a bit longer." She said "That Giagadon was given a SSS rating on the danger level and anyone who sees it must report directly to the leader."

"So you were the one who reported it's existance to your leader?" I asked as I connected the dots and she nodded in return.

"But in the report it was said that this thing was so large that it snapped several miles. I guess this one is just a child or something like that." She said and I felt a chill went down my spine at her words.

"I can understand how it was able to survive multiple nuclear weapon attacks now." I said with a bitter smile.

Even right now normal missiles are not able to do much damage to it. And it is just a child right now.

I don't even wanna know what will happen if it is given more time to grow.

But then something else caught me attention. Something very very important.

"You we ran and got out of that place because your leader, this Chris guy is going to launch a nuclear missile on top of the Giagadon?" I asked with a bit of trepidation. Apocalypse or not, a nuclear missile was a fearsome weapon the use of which can lead to serious consequences.

"Yes. Right now they should…"

"Then what about my family?" I asked suddenly as my face went white as a sheet of paper. The horror in my face must have shown as she quickly raised her hands to placate me.

"They already know. I told them. Don't worry." She said as she cupped my cheeks and I felt my breath return and my heart calmed down at her words.

"I told them about the nuclear missile when you were unconscious." She said "They may not be as fast as us. But they have two hours of head start and plenty of time to get out of it's radius" she finished gesturing at the sun which has just climbed out of the horizon.

"I see." I said and took a deep.

"Look. It's not that I don't trust you or anything but I must confirm it myself." I said and she nodded understandingly.

Since we were probably outside the walkie talkie range I did not even try. Instead I opened the 'Contact' icon in the Black Watch and sent a brief message to Rahul telling him about the Nuclear Warhead and to contact me as soon as possible.

I got a return message in 5 minutes telling me that they would be out of it's range after travelling for one or two more hours and that they have Netra to thank for that.

I finally let out a breath I did not knew I had been holding and sagged to the ground in palpable relief.

"Thank you." I muttered to her and she smiled back warmly at me in the way which made feel funny in my stomach.

I had to stop the sudden urge to yank her down and kiss her lips, but I had to stop myself as I did not wanted to come off a too forceful.

'Sigh… If only Big Bro was as good with girls as he was with leading and making strategies. Then I could ask him for all the tips in the world.'

'Alas, I think I know more about girls and love than him at this.' I chucked inwardly at the thought before I relaxed my face and stood up to look at Netra properly.

I still had a few questions that needed answers.

"Tell me more this… Shepherd group. I remember now, the first time we met you told me that you were a shepherd and I mistook you for a real Shepherd." I said with a wry smile which became a bit strained as I watched her shoulders tense at my question.

"I… I can't. I'm sorry." She said as she looked down and started playing with fingers they same way she did whenever she was nervous about something.

"Why?" I asked.

"We are not allowed to tell others about our group." She said "The amount of information I have given you is already enough to get me into trouble. If I tell you anything else then they might even execute me." She said, her last words barely above a whisper.

"Oh!" was the only word that came out of my mouth as I did not know what to say.

If I had known that I was putting her in trouble by asking such questions then I would have never asked her so many things.

"I'm sorry." I said and she smiled bitterly at me.

"Don't be. These were things that I wanted to tell you anyway. Otherwise how else would you trust me…" Left unsaid were the words about how I will leave her if I don't trust her. Just like her past family and lover, who abandoned her.

I felt a tinge of guilt in the pit of my stomach and before she could react I moved forward and pulled her into a tight embrace.

"I will never leave you. Never. And don't you go believing otherwise. Okay." I whispered into her ears and felt her tense muscle relax under my grip.

"Okay." She whispered back after which she hugged me back and started sobbing silently.

Yes she was a bit of a crybaby.

But she was my crybaby.