Tender moments

"…and there was this tree. I heard that it was the largest tree that anyone on earth had ever seen."

"It rose 400 meters in the sky. And it's trunk was said to be wide enough to cover an entire Stadium field."

"Anyone who ever looked at it, no matter from what distance, fell prey to it's beauty and only one in recorded history ever recovered from that trance."

"Who?" I asked gently as I placed a kiss on her neck and she moaned in pleasure.

"Some guy known as Zheng Hou, or something like that. He is one of Chris's lieutenant now."

"He later described that tree as the most beautiful thing that he ever laid his eyes upon."

"And was it?" I asked as I took a deep breath and took in her scent before I gently nudged her cheeks.

"Was it what?" she asked as I placed a trail of kisses on her shoulder and she closed her eyes in pleasure.

"Beautiful." I replied and moved up and nipped at her ears, eliciting another moan from her that filled me with pleasure. I enjoyed her squirming underneath my embrace even more.

"It was not. It was a hideous thing. Even the veterans who had seen just about everything there was to see were said to have lost their appetite after getting one looki at it's image that were taken from drones."

"It's very powerful, I get that. But why was it given a SSS danger ranking?" I asked as I nudged her head softly.

"It's…" her breath hitched as my hands brushed past her breasts, having the desired effect of turning her face red. "It's roots." She said after she get her breath under control.

"It's roots, they were said to be alive and described as having their own sentience. They moved and spread further and further consuming anything thing came in their way. Destroying the ecosystem entirely and creating a new one, of it's own liking."

"How big were it's ro… roots?" my breath hitched as she rubbed herself against my groan, a revenge from her no doubt. I could see her smiling softly to herself at her small victory which soon turned into surprise before her face once more turned red as she felt my member turn hard at her own nudging.

I took this moment to cup her face and turned her toward me and kissed her lips for a moment before I separated from her and gently touched put my forehead on hers, enjoying this moment of intimacy and trying to imprint it in my mind.

"They were large." She whispered after a long moment. "At first, it was about just as large as any tree. But then it grew in size and it's roots grew along with it."

"By the end…" she stopped as I caressed her cheeks "By the end it was said to have taken over all of Asia, Europe and Africa. Only the fact that it's roots did not survive long in salt water stopped it from conquering the whole world."

I suddenly felt a bit cold at the thought of such a dangerous creature ever existing in this world. But then I hugged her tightly and the warmth returned.

She seemed to have understood my thoughts as she turned to face and initiated the kiss herself this time.

"Did the Shepherds not try to use the Nuclear Warheads on it?" I asked as I took her hands into mine and started kissing her hands.

"I am not sure about that. I was not told that part of the story but my guess is that Chris and his lieutenants died early in that life for some reason or another, leaving the Shepherds leaderless and without direction."

"By the end, a few of the members still banded together and found a few nuclear warheads to use on it but it was already too late."

"The mutant tree had become far too big and far too sturdy. Even nuclear warheads were not able to kill it."

"In the end, 75-80% of the entire surviving human population died because of that one mutant tree." She said and I felt her shiver for a small moment before she composed herself.

I gripped her tightly against me and placed a few kisses on her shoulder and neck. It was time for me to be strong for her.

"What can we even do if something like that attacked us?" she asked the question that I've asking myself ever since I saw the Giagadon by bombarded by missiles and coming out of the explosions totally unscathed.

But as she asked me the question, I found the answer.

"As of now, we can't do anything against something like that. Maybe once we grow stronger then we could try something but that may still not be enough."

"So we should just roll over and die?" she asked with a self deprecating chuckle which I did not like at all.

"No. We'll do everything we can to grow strong. And then we'll fight. For our loved ones. Sometimes that may not be enough. Sometimes the enemy may be so strong that anything that we do might end up useless. But that doesn't mean that we'll just roll over and die. That's not who we are. We are the survivors and we've survived through all the challenges that life has thrown at us. And we'll do our best to continue surviving and carve a future for ourselves in this cruel world." I finished as I stared at eyes, the words sounding little too wise to be coming out of my mount but what the hell. I am allowed to have wise moments as well.

She stared back at me as I finished my words, and then she stared for a bit more before she finally let out a chuckle which he instantly tried to stifle by putting her hands on her mouth. But then another chuckle escaped her and she looked like she was having the worst time of her life as she tried to stop herself from laughing.

Then I chuckled at her expression and as if a dam had been broken, more chuckles escaped from us before they turned into full blown laughter.

"You did not have to lecture me you know. I feel like a little child now." She said as she rolled on the sofa so that she could lay down comfortably on my chest.

"But thank you for your words." She finished before she closed her eyes and let out a content breath before falling asleep in my arms.