Demon Among the Ovoo

Footsteps echoed like thunder. The animals heard it and felt a presence foreign to them. Instincts told the animals to flee or simply stay out of sight. Even bears and wolves made themselves scarce. Not a single one dared to be noticed or even smelled by the creatures that had intruded the forest.

A mighty horde of lizard warriors marched, stomping the ground and kicking the dirt. Each warrior carried at least one weapon. Their grunts and growls made almost as much noise as their feet. A few flies buzzed around them, attracted to a scent that made plants wither.

A portion of these warriors belonged to the Allosaur. A fierce and vicious clan, the Allosaur had scales as scarlet as blood, and eyes as black as obsidian. They had claws and teeth that could have shredded even the thickest of muscle into the tiniest of ribbons. They carried large and oddly fashioned weapons made from the bones of beasts.

"How long until we reach the Ovoo's village?" an Allosaur warrior snorted, as if he had something stuck in his nose. "All this walking is boring me!"

"I greatly doubt those Ovoo weaklings will manage to entertain us for long," another replied. "Isn't that right, Battle Chief Demus?"

"I do not doubt that," Demus Allos sighed. "This won't be a battle, but a massacre."

Demus Allos led these warriors. Despite being the youngest of the lot, Demus had the scars on his face and body to prove that he had experience in the battlefield. He wore the skull of a horned bear, a headpiece that further boasted his position amongst the warriors.

His clan had tasked him with many hunts and battles in the past, but never before had he been asked to lead other warriors. This march against the Ovoo clan would be his first.

A part of him felt greatly honored to be given such a responsibility. Only the strongest and most capable of the Allosaur were permitted to lead other warriors. However, another part of him felt disappointed to attack a clan as unworthy as the Ovoo. To make things more frustrating, he had to fight alongside a much weaker clan.

He shifted his eyes towards the rest of the warriors present. The bulk of this horde composed of the Kompos, a clan of smaller lizards. Their thin arms looked like twigs and their pale scales made them look bedridden. They wielded primitive weapons crafted merely from wood and stone. Despite being armed, the Kompos still appeared more like scavengers, rather than warriors.

A while longer, the Ovoo village came into view. Although still a great distance away, it became clear enough to recognize the villagers amongst the buildings. Soon, a loud horn blasted from within the village itself.

"It appears that they have spotted us," an Allosaur warrior snorted. "Shall we charge in, Battle Chief?"

"No," Demus replied. "Let us give them some time to prepare for battle. We wouldn't want to make this too easy for us."

"But Battle Chief!" a Kompos warrior objected, stepping out of his ranks. "During the last attack, the Ovoo clan had help from three strange warriors! We should not give them the chance to-!"

Demus swung his battle axe and sent the warrior's head flying right off his shoulders. The head rolled on the ground and reached the other Kompos warriors. These hissed and screeched, while taking a few steps away from the head of their own.

"Does anyone else object to my order?" Demus snarled. The Kompos remained quiet. "As I thought. Now we wait and allow them ready their pitiful defenses."

Demus and his warriors watched the Ovoo prepare for their attack. The Ovoo warriors gathered around the village's entrance and formed a long row. They wielded spears and also carried long rectangular pieces that neither the Kompos nor the Allosaur had seen before. However, it did not matter to the young leader. His mind was too preoccupied with the numbers.

The Ovoo had fewer warriors. The sheer difference between the two forces was as clear as day. With the many Kompos under his command, Demus predicted the village to fall rather quickly.

Despite his confidence, something did bother him a little. The Kompos that he just killed. Demus recalled him mentioning about three warriors the forced them to flee. The variable kept popping in his head, but he constantly shrugged it off as a needless worry. To him, the Kompos were simply weakling and cowards to have fled from the Ovoo.

After a little longer, the Ovoo had finally stopped preparing and stood ready to fight. Demus grunted and shrugged at their defenses. "Kompos, take a hundred of your warriors and attack!" he commanded.

Without question, a hundred Kompos charged in and attacked. They swung their weapons above their heads and roared as loudly and viciously as they could.

"I wager the Kompos will lose ten warriors," one Allosaur snorted.

"That is too generous," another grunted. "At least fifteen would fall to the clan."

"I'll take that wager," Demus laughed.

The Kompos heard their masters talk. They hissed and snarled bitterly at how lowly the Allosaur treated them. Despite their frustrations, not a single one dared to speak out of line. None of them could. None of them had the courage to actually do so.

The Kompos drew nearer to the village. However, before they could get any closer, a volley of arrows flew from behind the Ovoo and rained upon the warriors. Five found themselves badly injured, while twenty dropped dead immediately.

Those that survived paused and gazed at those that had just died. Stopping in the middle of a battle was one of the greatest mistakes any warrior could make, and these Kompos paid for it.

Distracted by their fallen, the Kompos forgot about the Ovoo in front of them. Before they could turn their attention back to the enemy, several Kompos found a spear pierced through their gut.

Demus and his remaining horde stared with their jaws on the ground. The young war leader had low expectations for his Kompos allies and even lower expectations for the enemy. However, the Ovoo quickly overwhelmed the Kompos warriors, reducing their numbers in mere seconds.

"Perhaps we may have underestimated the Ovoo," an Allosaur remarked.

Demus gritted his teeth and snarled. "Don't just stand there, you useless fools!" he barked at the Kompos. "Destroy the Ovoo! Do not let them make a mockery out of us!"

The Kompos howled and hissed, before they charged to meet their enemy.

Again, a volley of arrows flew from the village and rained on the warriors. A number of Kompos warriors fell and died immediately. However, the majority of these warriors survived. Unlike earlier, they did not stop this time, for they at least learned what would happen. Ignoring the deaths of their comrades, they continued their advance and finally made contact with the Ovoo.

Weapons clashed, while scales tore. The mixed scent of blood and dirt lifted in the air, attracting a flock of buzzards. As the two clans continued to the clash, Demus and the Allosaur remained still and continued to watch the battle.

"The Ovoo are putting a stronger front than I expected," Demus snarled. "However, if they think killing a few hundred Kompos warriors will lead them to victory, then they are sadly mistaken. Warriors, prepare to-!"

"Look, Battle Chief!" an Allosaur exclaimed.

Something emerged from the entrance of the village. A giant whose body looked like stone, and eyes like beads of fire. It roared like thunder, sending shivers to anyone that heard it. Then with one final glance, it charged ahead with footsteps that shook the forest.

The giant threw itself into the thick of the battle, past the Ovoo and right amongst the Kompos. Wielding a massive spear, it immediately sent five warriors flying into the air. Without the slightest bit of remorse or hesitation, the giant struck, smashed and destroyed any Kompos unfortunate enough to enter its reach.

Despite the disaster that befell the Kompos, Demus and his warriors could not help but smile fervently. A fire burned in their hearts, as they witnessed a display of raw power and ferocity.

"Hah, I thought this battle would have been boring!" an Allosaur laughed. "It seems the Ovoo have enlisted a monster to aid them!"

"So this is what the Kompos tried to warn us about," another Allosaur remarked. "Its head will make a fine trophy."

"Warriors, ready yourselves," Demus grinned. "Let us show these two clans the power of the Allosaur!"

His warriors raised their weapons and roared. Taking the lead, Demus Allos charged and finally joined the frenzy. Like a herd of reckless bulls, they stampeded straight in and trampled whatever stood in their way, be it friend or foe.

True to their nature, the Allosaur quickly took charge of the battle. They crushed several Ovoo warriors under their feet, and even went as far as to bite off their throats. These warriors basked in the violence and enjoyed every second. Drunk in the heat of battle, nothing seemed to stop them. Even with terrible injuries, the Allosaur would laugh and continue to fight.

Demus killed five Ovoo warriors before his eyes turned to the giant monster. Turning around, he found it fighting three Allosaur at the same time by itself. Drenched in the blood of his enemies and hungry for more, Demus took his weapon and slowly approached.

"Die!" a voice yelled out. Announcing one's attack was a move only a novice would make.

Demus took a step to the side and avoided getting stabbed. He turned to the one foolish Ovoo that stood between him and his trophy.

"Move aside," Demus commanded. "I have no interest in weaklings!"

"I am Ragosh, son of Chieftain Enoch!" the Ovoo declared. "I shall have your head, Demus Allos!"

"Do not speak my name as if you have earned the right to!" Demus scoffed.

He swung his axe and almost crushed the young warrior. Demus chased after Ragosh, delivering a series of series of attacks with axe and tail. To his surprise, this Ovoo proved to be quite light footed. Demus almost felt obliged to compliment the chieftain's son, but chose to keep his tongue still.

After a short exchange, Demus caught the slippery warrior and threw him on the ground. Unwilling to give his foe a moment of respite, Demus planted his foot against Ragosh's stomach and slowly pressed.

Ragosh struggled and squirmed, but could not escape. He clawed the ground and swished his tail, as the air in his lungs grew scarce. He wheezed and gasped, taking whatever amount he could inhale.

"You are fast, son of Enoch," Demus grunted, as he raised his axe. "But not fast enough."

Demus tightened his grip and brought down his axe. Just when it seemed to be all over, another warrior rushed in and delivered small swipe across Demus' chest, forcing the Allosaur to step back.

A thin bleeding line opened on Demus' chest. A small drop of blood trickled. Demus frowned and snarled furiously. Although the cut was shallow, Demus hated being caught off guard. He looked ahead and gazed at the new opponent that had succeeded in making a fool out of him.

A strange warrior stood. She had no claws, fangs or even a tail or scales. She had black hair and violet irises. If one judged strength and skill on appearance, then this warrior should have been the weakest thing on the battlefield. She carried a long and sharp weapon that reflected light.

"Overlord Uriel!" Ragosh gasped, finally being able to breathe again.

"You let your guard down," this Uriel replied, a hint of frustration in her voice. "I told you many times not to act recklessly."

"You take advice from such a measly thing?!" Demus laughed. "You Ovoo are-!"

A cold tingle suddenly rushed down his spine. Immediately, Demus stepped back and dodged one of Uriel's attacks. If he had been any second later, he would have received an injury that even the toughest of Allosaur would not laugh at. However, it did not stop with that one attack. This Uriel continued her assault, pushing Demus several steps back and away.

This had never happened before. He had dodged enemies before, but not for this long. After a few steps, he would immediately spring forward and retaliate. However, it was different this time. Something told him to keep dodging. A voice in his head, a feeling in his gut kept telling him to stay away from this creature's weapon, no matter what.

Swallowing this feeling, Demus stomped his foot on the ground and finally countered. He swung his axe with power so great that it could have splintered trunks and even crack stones. Despite being on the offense, Demus could not find it in himself to be pleased or even relieved.

As he continued his attack, he looked in the eyes of this warrior named Uriel. Although her eyes differed from his, he noticed a rather blank and unmoved expression in her sockets. He knew this expression all too well, for he had shared the same look many times before.

Disinterest, disappointment, boredom – These were expressions Demus often displayed when fighting opponents that failed to make his heart race or put him on the edge. At the moment, HE failed to put her on the edge.

"You dirty little rat, do not look down on me!" Demus bellowed, as he poured all his strength into this one swing. He aimed for her head, but missed by a hair.

Uriel ducked down and thrust her weapon. The tip pierced into his shoulder.

Demus backed away as he tried to hold his axe. However, he couldn't. His right arm didn't respond. It simply dangled on his shoulder, like a broken branch hanging on a tree. No matter how hard he tried, he could not move his arm.

For the first time in his life, horror filled the Allosaur's eyes. He had never fought an opponent that did so much, yet thought so little of him.

"Allosaur, destroy this wench!" he commanded.

None of his warriors responded. Demus repeated the command, but again no response. He turned to his surroundings. His Allosaur brethren lay lifeless on the ground. One even rested in two halves, ripped apart by the giant. Many Ovoo warriors, although injured, remained on their feet. Kompos warriors either laid dead or simply abandoned the battlefield.

Demus stood by himself, surrounded by enemies. He believed this to be a massacre. In a way, he was correct. It was a massacre. A massacre for his warriors.

"Flee or surrender?" Uriel asked, as she pointed her weapon at him.

An instinct that he had never really used began to kick in. Self-preservation etched at the back of his skull, telling him to pick one option and survive another day. However, another part of him demanded to take the third option and fight. Pride. Pride told him to pick up his weapon and die like a warrior of the Allosaur Clan.

Mere moments passed by, but it felt like an entire eternity of intrapersonal debating. Eventually, Demus came to a decision.

With his remaining arm, he picked up his axe and gave this Overlord Uriel the fiercest glare his hallow bravado could muster. Then with a deep breath, he charged forward and roared to the top of his exhausted lungs.

But before he could reach her, Ragosh stepped in and smacked Demus' face with his tail. The Allosaur dropped to his knees. His weapon fell not too far from his reach. He tried to retrieve it, but couldn't even gather the strength to extend his arm. Demus snarled and growled, as he stared at the one warrior that managed to best him: Uriel.

"End him," Uriel commanded Ragosh, as she withdrew her weapon. "He is done for."

"Coward!" Demus roared, as he coughed out blood. "End me yourself!"

Uriel turned to the Allosaur with a stiff look on her face "Why should I?" she asked, with a tone as cold as a winter storm. "Who are you that I should be the one to end you?"

"I am Demus Allos!" he roared back, while gurgling a bit of blood in his mouth. "I am the youngest Allosaur to ever lead a band of warriors!"

"Ah, so you're well-known amongst your clan?" Uriel remarked. Demus panted with a small grin, thinking that his words got through to her. However, her next words made his blood freeze. "Ragosh, you may have the honor."

"Yes, Overlord Uriel," Ragosh nodded, as he readied his spear.

Demus frantically looked at Ragosh and then back to Uriel. "Do you still not understand who I am?!" he roared. "I am Demus Allos! I cannot die to some meagre son of a weak clan!"

"It is BECAUSE of who you are that you will fall to Ragosh," Uriel replied. "The weak of these lands shall shame the strong."

Demus' eyes bulged wide. He tried to speak, but could not find the words to express himself. Eventually, he did the only thing left he could do: scream. Just as the sound left his mouth, Ragosh's spear pierced through his heart and ended the life of this Allosaur warrior.