C6 Ultimate Creator

The Ultimate Creator approach Han and smiled, "I was able to restrain you for you don't know how to use your power yet. I was thankful and glad that Yin and Yang reconciled in a way that I cannot imagine and that is to sacrifice themselves for you. But you young man has great power of 80 Gods and Goddesses combined. And I cannot let you roam free for you can destroy the Milky Way Galaxy if you give it your all, how much more Earth. You can destroy Earth with a flick of your finger like it was nothing. And so I must take your power away. Forgive me young man. "

Just as the Ultimate Creator was about to touch Han, two souls came out of Han's body standing in his left and right. It was Yin and Yang respectively. "Old man don't touch the boy.", Yang said. "Even if you do not get his power Han cant still use all of it, even 1% of his power he cant unleashed because he is still a mortal who gained the power of 80 Gods and Goddesses combined in a small amount of time. He need to absorbed all its power altogether in order to make it his own. And it may even take him at most 2 years to absorb it all.", Yin added.

The Ultimate Creator replied, "I know that. But I am here to protect the world I created and its occupants. I will get his power earlier so that if one day he would destroy what I created it wouldn't be too late to stop him. As both of you know my power can be said to be like having 1 000 Gods and Goddesses together, and for the next two years Han would have the power of 80 Gods and Goddesses and I cannot be sure if I can restrain him after that without taking his life. I am sorry both of you but I have to take it away now.".

The Ultimate creator walked towards Han but yet he was stopped by Yin and Yang's soul. But they cannot do anything for they are souls and they are facing the Ultimate Creator. And thus, they failed. The Ultimate Creator touched Han's head murmur something and directly vanishing in the white world.

Han woke up having a bad headache as if someone hit him with a wrecking ball. Han looked at his surrounding and was sure that he was at Earth. He was at the top of the cliff. But before he can remember anything that happened he blacked out once again.

[Reinstating all acquired.....]

[Name: Han Brown (Ancient God)]

[Age: 19]

[Stage: Ordinary]

[Power: Power of Light( Healing-Active, Regeneration-Passive) ,Power of Darkness(Black Flame-Active)]

[Soul Beast: Ancient Golden Falcon(Ancient Golden Full Body Armor with Ancient Golden Wings), Ancient Black Dragon(Ancient Black Full Body Armor with Ancient Black Wings)]

[ORDINARY-White Crystal: 0/10 000 ]

[TRANSCENDENT-Bronze Crystal: -/9 000 ]

[EVOLVER-Silver Crystal: -/8 000 ]

[SAINT-Gold Crystal: -/7 000 ]

[DIVINE-Black Crystal: -/6 000 ]

[GOD-Rainbow crystal: -/5 000 ]

[ANCIENT GOD-Transparent Crystal: -/5 000 ]