
Elder Fei had arrived minutes later and together, they headed for the place where they would fight.

He sized her up as they moved, examining her with a few glances. 

"Hmm, she is now at the peak of the 2nd realm, even Fei Xian had only just reached the 2nd realm and that was with some pills to help with his breakthrough. It seems that she is quite talented" he thought. 

The Elder was actually at the 9th level of the Human Realm and had traveled back home to tell the family that he will be attempting to breakthrough to Earth Realm, which could take several years. He had been traveling throughout the province, fighting beasts and slaying bandits making a name for himself as a righteous hero.

Elder Fei had suddenly begun telling Ming Yue these stories.

He wanted to see how she would react to his words as well as take this chance to learn more about her.

As for Ming Yue, she was a bit shocked and didn't know that she would be fighting someone like him. However, this was a good chance to improve her sword skills and gain some pointers. She herself did not talk too much. She only answered questions in one sentence or even one word but Elder Fei did not mind this at all and felt that she must've had a painful past.

They arrived at the clearing and then faced each other, taking their stances. Elder Fei took his sword and held it forward. Ming Yue unsheathed her blade and pointed it to the ground with both hands on the hilt. She immediately changed and a cold aura surrounded her.

Elder Fei's face didn't change as he faced his opponent. 

Ming Yue moved first and Elder Fei went into a defensive position. She attacked continuously aiming for specific spots while Elder Fei defended and would occasionally send out an attack.

As the fight continued, she began to feel pressure from Elder Fei, and soon, she became the one defending. While he did not go easy on her, he did limit his strength to that of a 2nd realm cultivator. Even so, he still held the upper hand but that was due to his experience and skill.

She started using different techniques, even testing out things like Descent of the Twilight but they were all broken by a single swing. However, ideas and improvements appeared in her head as she slowly improved her skills.

But soon enough, Ming Yue stopped, breathing heavily as the exhaustion crept in. 

Elder Fei had no changes in his face but on the inside, he was surprised.

"To think that she would force me to change the limit to the 3rd realm", he thought. 

Her attack speed was quite fast and had a lot of power behind each strike. While her defensive capability was decent, it was her offensive power that was amazing. Furthermore, her sword skills seemed to inhabit a certain strength to it but he wasn't sure what it was.

"Whooo, one more move, please."

Ming Yue calmed her breath and took her stance for one final exchange.

Knowing that she could not fight for much longer, she tried one final thing, although it did not have a name, she often related it to the idea of splitting. It was the move from before where she had completely bisected a tree in one cut and cut Blood Wolf in half.

But to be more specific, it wasn't a technique but a state that she was in. A state of complete control and focus, where she was one with the sword.

Elder Fei noticed this change and took on his defensive stance. 

"One final move then, come!"

Suddenly, Ming Yue dashed forward cutting horizontally at an incredible speed.

His eyes widened and he immediately used up to half of his power. This next swing wasn't simple and it seemed capable of cutting anything in its way. He took the hit and was pushed back several feet, ultimately deflecting it with his sword.

Although he was uninjured, his arms trembled continuously.

"Amazing! If she's this young, just how far could she go in the future?"

Elder Fei sheathed his sword and smiled. 

"It is your victory."

Although the elder was uninjured, she had forced him to use more strength than he had intended. But at this moment, Ming Yue dropped to her knees in exhaustion and Elder Fei helped her stand up and rested her against a tree.

Then he began to talk to her about her skills and what she lacked.

"Your skills are quite good and don't lack power in the slightest. What you are missing are experience and practice. Your techniques aren't perfect but that final move was incredible. It seems that you are compatible with the Dao of Wind."

"The Dao of Wind?"

Ming Yue was curious, she didn't know what these Daos were but the Elder explained.

"The Dao of Wind is only one of many others, it is an attribute that people are skilled in. Some may be better at controlling Fire than Water. Others may excel in the Dao of Earth. There are countless ones but they are separated into levels: Minor Daos, Major Daos, and Grand Daos. When choosing your Dao, it will begin as a minor Dao but as you grow more accustomed and improve your understanding, it could become a Major Dao and ultimately a Grand Dao. Reaching the Grand Dao means that you have reached complete mastery. One could go from throwing pebbles with the flick of a wrist to moving mountains with that same amount of ease."

Hearing that, she couldn't help but feel a bit of excitement. 

Who wouldn't be when they hear that they could do such incredible things in time?"

"But there is no true way of learning the Dao, it is only how you perceive it that shows your ability. The more you understand, the better you become. You seem to have talent in Sword and Wind Dao which is quite fitting. Wind equates to speed, it can be a calm and gentle breeze as well as a cruel and destructive storm. The sword is a tool for attack and defense, it can be a tool to kill or to protect. It all depends on how you think of it."

After he finished his lecture, Ming Yue thought heavily about what she learned. This was completely new to her and while she did not fully understand, she had a general idea at least. 

"Thank you for teaching me", she said.

Elder Fei smiled, he quite liked this girl and thought about recruiting her but then he stopped himself. He could feel that she liked to be free and chose not to ask or to force it. Who knows what offending her now would do to him in the future? It would be better to be on good terms. 

Instead, he talked to her about the future.

"If you are not sure as to where to go next, try going to the Jade Dragon Pavilion. It is an organization run by the Emperor himself. It has a variety of requests made by both the people and the nobility. Furthermore, you can get rewards and points to exchange for many different items. Anyone can register as well. I suggest that you go there to get some experience and earn some money."

This wasn't a bad idea and she thought about it carefully before deciding to check it out once she rested. After resting they went back to the brothel where she was staying. When they walked to the front.

Ming Yue saw Cui Fen outside, but there was a group of men talking to her.

While she had a rather fearful look on her face, they had lecherous ones as they suddenly grabbed at her.