Starting the Operation

Far into the Black Peak Mountains, a group moved covertly through the wild winds and thundering lightning. Each and everyone of them were beyond powerful, most of them were at the upper levels of the Sky Realm lead by a figure who stood at the Heaven Realm. Unlike them, he was not as bothered by the storms that rumbled. His young face and golden hair stood out in this dreary landscape. 

It was the Grand Elder Huang, the highest figure within Heaven's Gate

"We're almost there, Elder Kan has set up a small campsite just outside of the Tao Feng's influence."

He turned to the others and checked on all of them. 

They were all tired and fatigued, having traveled and climbed without rest. Hearing that they were close to camp gave them that last spurt of energy as they stepped within a small cave. As they entered, they felt a wave of warmth wash over them. 

"Finally, some rest."

All of them found a place to sit and enjoy this brief respite.