Chained Formations

"An Immortal Severing Formation... An ancient piece of history used to kill an Immortal Cultivator", Master Qi looked at the formation, praising its power and admiring its structure. 

"Killing an Immortal? Is that even possible?"

The others looked at this terrifying formation, wondering whether it was true.

After reaching Heaven Realm, there was only one more realm beyond it, the realm of the Immortal, essentially Godhood. But very few in the entire history of this land have reached that realm and there is even less information as to how to achieve it or whether there was something beyond it. Despite it, the stories about them were plenty. If Heaven Cultivators like Grand Elder Huang and Dai Mian could destroy mountains and change the skies, Immortal Cultivators could do such things on a whim. The destruction of kingdoms and countries could be done on a simple flick of the hand, that was the best way of describing and Immortal's power.