Bolt of the Heavens

A black aura slowly rose from his body, slowly it grew denser and even more powerful. No longer was it as wild as before but smooth and under control. 

"Are the Heavens truly all-powerful?"

Dai Mian's voice reverberated in the skies as he rose up.

As if angered at this act of defiance, the core of the whirling clouds opened up and revealed a pocket of crackling light. Each spark gathered, accumulating power into a single bolt. You could almost hear roaring as if this lightning was a ferocious beast. 

As these two forces made their stand off, everyone else could only watch. 

With Ming Yue no longer targeted, Drifting Sky trembled and lost power, falling to the ground. Whatever had just happened, no one could quite understand. Any secrets it contained would only be revealed to Ming Yue in the coming years. By then, she would realize the extent at which the various craftsmen had worked on the sword.