The Painting Swordsman

Yu Hua looked at her before giving a small smile. 

"It seems that you've made your choice, that is good."

Ming Yue bowed with gratitude. 

"Thank you for your guidance, Senior Sister!"

"Please, if you ever need help, you can come find me."

Yu Hua gave a polite smile as she responded with kindness. 

This had been their first proper conversation with each other. Before that, they had only crossed each other and gave glances. But actually speaking with other had not happened until now. For Yu Hua, she cherished it. 

"The elder is a eccentric man, doing only what interests him. In that respect, he only has four students including you and me. I've actually wanted to have a junior and now I do" she said. 

"Only four students? Then the other two-"

"They're wandering the continent, honing their swordsmanship against other masters. Those two are senior to me and are also Inheritors though they don't bother with what goes on."